The flow is something I got from a story of someone here on Reddit.

The flow of conversation. Learn how to talk to people and learn how to change the subject when you need to. Learn how to read their body language and react to that. You need some practice and knowledge, here are some books that may help you: “not just friends” “the game” “no more mister nice guy” “how to read people’ “the game” and “surrounded by psychopaths” “peaceful warrior” “surrounded by idiots” “the art of not giving a fuck”

The flow state: I came across the concept called “flow state” and building momentum. (My father told me about this, but I didn’t understand it until now). The primitive part of our prefrontal cortex controls the interactions we have with people, it needs to show courage, so when I walk into a venue and fail to approach the first person I meet because of one excuse or another, then what happens is I create an excuse-making momentum. This means that you make excuses after excuses of why you can’t talk to people.

If I challenge myself to gain the courage on my first approach, then I create courage for the momentum, which gives permission for my brain to give me access to all the things related to the momentum of courage, which also gives me access to all the materials I need to have an attractive conversation, leading to a flow state.

My understanding is that the human brain creates barriers that are based on the primal need for survival and when you make excuses, your brain only gives access to what you need to survive. Courage unlocks access to confidence. If I force my brain to show courage, I will unlock access to confidence. If I force my brain to show courage, I will get into a flow state, and then build an action-taking momentum.

dark sense of humor and practicing talking to people on Reddit helped me open up to people. and it is like exposure therapy for me.

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