There were at least 500 people in the crowd and i was at the podium. I had no script, and nothing prepared. What i said made no sense at all and the crowd went dead silent as they tried to decipher my words before people’s confusion began echoing in the background. “What??? What did he say?? huhhh?”.

Woke up terrified. holy hell.

1 comment
  1. Despite being in grad school, having completed the 20th grade or whatever, and having participated in class so many many times, I would find myself on occasion getting nerves before answering questions. I thought, “Jesus Christ! Get a hold of yourself! You’ve done this millions of times before. The hell is wrong with you?! Who are you trying to impress anyway? These dipshits?”

    If you wanna weaken your fear, learn to speak about one thing fluidly and intelligently. You might still clutch up but it won’t be as bad and you’ll find it easier to recover and give your speech.

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