Why does someone block after having sex? I’m just curious. If both parts enjoyed it, why is it that one of them is blocking his or her partner?

  1. Perhaps afraid of commitment or already is in a relationship and this was just a one night fling?

  2. Well, of course we don’t know, and I hope you’re not hurt by it, but they might be too chicken to say it wasn’t great for them, or there could be many reasons that are quite benign, e.g.

    * just wanted a ONS and chasing body count, clears out contacts right after
    * felt some guilt / remorse, doesn’t want to be tempted into repeating
    * doesn’t want to risk any feelings developing
    * feels some embarrassment about their performance
    * leaving town and they know it can’t happen again
    * etc etc

  3. I block people who I have sex with who start treating me like a sex toy after. As in they ask to have sex again in the rudest manner.

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