Ok. So recently I reconnected with this guy I knew in college (let’s call him Dave). I was a very different person back then, but suspected Dave had a thing for me, but I wasn’t ready to reciprocate or really try anything at the time – I was a wreck.

Dave ended up getting married to a guy we’re gonna call Kevin. So Dave comes over one night and we literally cuddle on the couch pretty intimately and watch a show *about* sex on Netflix. I’m pretty bad at keeping my emotions secret, so I make it clear to Dave that I am attracted to him and would want to do stuff if he and Kevin were OK with it.

Apparently, Dave and Kevin have been talking about polyamory for a few months, and had a negative experience with a coworker of theirs. They all made out but nothing else. After Dave and I finish hanging out, I go visit Dave and Kevin at their place, and Kevin seems to really like me too. We’re all cuddling on the couch, having a good time. And they seem to both REALLY like me.

So here’s the question. I’m under the impression that it’s very possible that both of them want this, but I don’t want to ruin our friendship or make things awkward by bringing up the topic too soon/at all. We’ve been hanging out for a few weeks. Should I wait to ask them if they’d be interested or just do it the next time we hang out? How should I ask them? Or do I just wait for *them* to ask me? I like them both a lot platonically and wouldn’t want to lose that chasing after something more.

1 comment
  1. I think that you probably need to let the two guys come to terms on how to incorporate a threesome into their marriage and their boundary lines, etc.

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