I’ve tried a couple 5 to 10k apps and it’s just robots telling you when to start and stop. I’m missing jo.

Please let me know any 5 to 10k apps you like!

  1. Nike run club has guided runs by various coaches and famous athletes, you can either group them together as you wish or they have suggested orders for different goals. It’s not as structured as a c to 5k program but I think the guided runs are more along the lines of what you want so you might be able to put something together from that?

  2. Aah. In my formative years, I’d dream of getting personal and friendly with Jo Whiley.

    Have a look see if there’s any accessible running clubs or groups nearby. Having some buddies to chat do makes the miles go by a lot easier.

  3. I went for the couch to 5G instead.

    Now I have 5G and don’t need to leave the couch ever again 😀

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