So I’ve only ever suffered from full on whiskey dick once when I had way too many one night and my guy downstairs just wouldn’t get up. But there’s been other instances where I’ve drank a decent amount and the problem (if you want to call it a problem I guess) was that I could get hard sure, but I just couldn’t finish. It just felt kind of numb, like still felt good but never actually reaching the finish line. It’s nice seeing my girlfriend enjoy herself for so long and then it’s nice being able to finish her off but there is no way for me to actually fully get off while I’m pretty drunk. It makes me hesitant to have a decent amount of drinks in a night out clubbing with my gf just because I wanna be able to have fulfilling sex later on. It kind of ruins to fun of getting wasted with my partner because it’s either I cut back on drinks on a night out despite wanting to drink more but I’m able to have sex where both of us finish, or I drink a good amount, we get pretty drunk and my gf has great time but me not as much (still amazing don’t get me wrong but it’s just nice to actually climax at the end of it all you know?). Just want to know if this is a common thing and if there’s a solution, or if it’s just something guys have to just deal with and make the “sacrifice” for a good time out or a good time in bed.

  1. Yeah, common. Alot of people think alcohol improves sex or makes people hornier because it lowers inhibitions but it numbs the actual sensations and can make cumming harder. This is true for women too. Try to find the sweet spot for drinking.

    You also may find some things she normally does to get you off don’t work but you can still get there by going hard in a position with lots of friction and/or that makes her cum a lot so she doesnt get bored/frustrated. If theres anything you normally blow early from, you could also try incorporating that.

  2. Common for men I’ve been with.

    Not great after an hour + of PIV though it gets a bit overwhelming.

  3. It’s common. I understand that cumming is nice and all. But if you enjoy it and she’s having fun, is there really any sacrifice there? And I mean the sex and the orgasm the morning after, those are pretty good aren’t they? So maybe try to steer away from thinking that you should cum in order to have fulfilling sex, think of nights out as an opportunity for a couple of different kinds of sex rather than just focusing on that night itself and how you either won’t get to drink or won’t be able to cum.

  4. Yes it’s very common! I like to drink, but if I have choose between mind blowing sex with my girl and alcohol it’s a no-brainer! There is nothing that compares to a marathon session with my girl!

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