How do I answer “tell me about yourself” without sounding boring?

  1. In a job interview or on a date? Either way start with something that you did /doing recently which is somewhat significant to you. You won’t sound boring talking about that particular thing

  2. I ask what they want to know, to get a little more specific hopefully. I hate that question and I don’t care who asks it. By asking what they want to know, they’ll usually ask something about hobbies or interests but at least that’s easier to work with than “tell me about yourself”

  3. be honest. what are interesting things about yourself? how far have you come? have you met any interesting people? what are things you enjoy doing? what are things that scare you or make you nervous? what kind of movies, music, and humor do you like?

  4. If they are a Steve Martin fan, start out with, “I was born a poor black child.”

  5. “I am a normal American male filled with delicious red liquid. I enjoy many human mammal activities like elongated walks, growing hair, and lactating. Do not be suspicious.”

  6. “Tell me about yourself’ is a lame attempt at conversation so at least you’re not going to be lowering the bar if your answer is somehow not exciting.

    Answers are gonna run heavily toward snark unless this is someone I really want to impress for someone reason.

  7. With hobbies, personality traits, career stuff, favorite things, literally anything more than nothing. I’ve asked it to matches on dating sites where the woman has nothing I can use to talk to them about on their profile. A good litmus test to see if any real interest exists too, as open ended questions require work to generate responses too and people uninterested will not do that.

  8. “I was the astronaut that disabled that North Korean satellite.”

    “What North Korean satellite?”

    “Oh shit, that hasn’t been declassified yet. Could you do me a favor and not tell anyone? I could get in a lot of trouble at work for letting that slip out. It’s just that you’re so pretty and such a genuinely warm person I can’t help myself.”

  9. I’m kind of an asshole but my friends love me because I’m loyal and protective. What about you girl?

  10. I have a really long tongue that has been mistaken for a penis before, and 3 tattoos no one can see. How about you?

  11. 100% correct answer : in MJ voice

    “Beat me, hate me

    You can never break me

    Will me, thrill me

    You can never kill me

    Jew me, sue me

    Everybody, do me

    Kick me, kike me

    Don’t you black or white me

    All I wanna say is that they don’t really care about us
    All I wanna say is that they don’t really care about us”

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