Hi! So, I was rejected 3 times in a short amount of time after what I would consider succesful dates, basically they disappeared or made excuses to see again just in the moment when you are starting to really like the other person… The last one is the one that hurt the most because we even had sex and it was amazing, I was falling in love, but yes… The day we organized to meet again she couldn’t, the next day she couldn’t as well, you get the point.

The thing is, I consider that I got over it, but somehow I have a mental block when I think of going for women. I can be friends, everything good, but at the moment I think of giving the next step I get SUPER anxious and assume immediately she isn’t interested, and/or will laugh at me at the process.

I’m 19 and since 1 year and a half I don’t even kiss a girl… And I learned the last weekend that it won’t happen in a long time if I don’t work on something in my mental, but I don’t know WHAT to work, what to do… If some of you guys have an advice on how to get this mental block away, I would be really grateful…

Thanks and sorry lol

1 comment
  1. I think you might want to consider seeing a therapist to work on this.

    Also, there is obviously a disconnect somewhere or that you’re not reading the situation correctly. People are usually quite straightforward unless they’re players. So what you perceived as successful or good dates with continued interest isn’t the case. Also falling in love after 1-3 dates reeks of desperation and lack of dating experience as an adult which makes sense because you’re a kid. What you’re slowly realizing is that dating as an adult is drastically different from high school. You actually go on dates to see if you want to be dating them and then you become exclusive with one person after feeling you’re most compatible with one person. You don’t go on dates and then go straight into girlfriend mode.

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