We’ve only tried 1 scenario so far a couple times and every time we’ve not been able to take it seriously and either we stopped doing it or started laughing which kinda kills the moment. Is there any tips for better role playing that will make it easier to do?

  1. Some people can find it very difficult to get into a character in a scenario. They may feel awkward or embarrassed. It just may not work for them.

    You can try suggesting that you are asking them to not be themselves. The things they say or the way they act aren’t them, but this character. And it might seem weird to do it, but you’d like to have that experience.

    You might have something simpler, like perhaps a certain thing you’d like them to say, or wear, or do. One thing, that they could use at a specific point. That might make it easier.

    You might also consider trying it on-line, in a text chat. It may be easier to adopt a certain role that way, and go down a particular direction.

    You must understand, though, that some people just can’t get into it, and can’t sustain the effort. If your partner is one of these people, then you may want to go for the “one thing” approach. It isn’t ideal.

  2. The best way IMO to do it is to simply get into the roleplay by wearing a costume and setting the mood properly beforehand.

  3. Yeah, same here for my wife and I. It was very awkward and we both had big goofy grins and laughed and we kind of just ended up quitting our characters and having our normal sex.

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