Like all adults being we need to decide on a serious decision, so we decided to make a sexual competition. The winner will decide!

Our disciplines right now are:

1) who orgasms fastest, alone and only with their hands
2) basically 1 but with toys
3) who gets the other one fastest to an orgasm
4) who can fit a dildo longer/deeper inside their mouth
5) basically 4 but anal instead of oral
6) who lasts longer while the other one tries to get them an orgasm

We want more disciplines but we can’t think of any more. Do you guys have some ideas?

Sorry for the format, I’m on mobile.

  1. How about how long you can keep your partner on the edge without giving them an orgasm?

  2. Who can stand temptation longer before asking to be touched properly or to touch themselves?

  3. Alongside a few glasses of wine, how long can you go without touching/ just teasing.

  4. – both write your best slutty confession on reddit via a new user and see which one gets the most up votes
    – who can stay silent the longest during sex (no giggles/moans/words)
    – kinky stuff: who can take the most spanks or attach the most clips
    – would be fun if you have those watches that measure your heart beat for example: who can get the other’s heartbeat above x bpm without touching
    – who can have the most orgasms in a day or x hours?
    – not touch each other challenge, who breaks it first?
    – challenge each other in public spaces “I’ll suck your dick/eat you out or give hand job/finger you right here right now” who ever refuses first loses. I like about this one that you can bluf with risk
    – who can fuck longest: she has to ride and he has to pound her, both consistently in a tempo (like take songs with same pbm as background music)

    I’ll come back if I think of better ones

  5. Number 3 and 6 are the same. Because it’s a competition, the receiver is always going to try and last as long as possible.

  6. Who can fit the most pee in their mouth while gargling the national anthem. If you don’t finish you’re disqualified.

    You’ll need some sort of measuring cup to spit into for the decider. And some plastic sheeting for the spillage unless you want to sit in the shower.

  7. Lol kinda a hot lil competition, spice up ur sex life for a lil anyways. Being a bi male, I’m gonna bet that your able to last longer than he is. Wouldn’t put all my money on you winning but probably

  8. Here’s a personal fantasy of mine: get a concentration game, like Guitar Hero or something. Establish a baseline score for both (or, if you’re feeling extra kinky, all) players. After establishing the base scores, players try again, but this time with distractions. The specific rules are up to you of course, but no blocking the view or messing with the controls. Oral sex would be a good starting point. The contestant to distract the player the most (by causing the biggest gap between baseline score and distracted score) wins!

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