Would that come off as me being a crazy psycho …… I already told him I don’t give anyone else head cause they don’t deserve that privilege but if I told him I love giving him head would he like that or think it’s creepy/crazy to say?

  1. Tell him while your doing it see how he reacts but personally I would fine it hot and think he would too.

  2. Honestly, I would avoid it if all you want is sex from the relationship. I feel like that’s too much for a casual fling. I have had guys ghost me over less. Lmao

    He might take the compliment very personally and fear you are falling for him if you said something like that.

    I imagine it might weird him out so this would probably be a fast way track to him putting distance between you two, unless you both are open to the idea of dating each other seriously, I wouldn’t do it.

  3. In his place i would feel like you are falling in love with me or something similar, i don’t know how healthy it would be for a Fwb

  4. I don’t think it would be crazy. A lot if reasons why you might like doing this with him and not others. Maybe point out why you like doing this with him if you tell him. He may or.may not read anything into it.

  5. Depends on what you say and how you say it and where you say it.

    Probably best to not loudly announce it to his entire family at the dinner table, for instance.

    In general, if you say it in any kind of appropriate way at any kind of appropriate time and place, he’ll respond positively.

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