So we have been together for a year now and we recently started to send nudes and sext. Well, recently we were sexting and I had sent him a pic of me naked and he responded well. I expected to get a picture back but I didn’t. After we were done, I asked why he didn’t send me a picture of his dick. He said that he’s always been told that women don’t like dick pics and he doesn’t want to be a pervert. He said that I wouldn’t be turned on by it and there’s no point. I told him that I would like a dick pic if he’s comfortable to see if I would like it.

So the next time we sexted, I sent a video of me masturbating and he sent a dick pic back. And I didn’t find it appealing idk why I thought I would. I said “hey don’t send me any dick pics anymore, Ok?” And he said he gets it and we stopped sexting. Now, he’s really hesitant to talk about sex. Doesn’t respond when I send nudes. He doesn’t want me to touch him or his dick anymore. Doesn’t initiate sex anymore. I don’t know what’s wrong. I’m worried I made him insecure. I didn’t mean to.

I just wanna know how to make things right.

  1. Oh damn…you done goofed.

    You are going to have to sit down and have a very direct honest talk with him.

  2. yea you done fucked up here, he is definetly feeling insecure. He warned you that you wouldnt like it then pushed for a pic, you got it and turned it down. You need to have him sit down and talk because i promise you he feels like shit and thats he isnt enough

  3. Kind of a bitch move on your part to push him to be vulnerable with you by exposing himself even though he was initially hesitant only for you to reject him. And kind of weird how you won’t say what you didn’t like about the photo. Like was it the lighting, the angle, the editing??? You just destroyed his self esteem and his desire to be intimate with you. Good luck but kind of difficult to bounce back from this unless you start worshipping his dick.

  4. yeah, that was a goof lol. his mind is probably racing with insecurity after that and likely thinks that something is WRONG with his dick. I would assure him it isn’t. You might have to have a serious talk about this, and then you might be the one to initiate things. Might take a while to get his confidence back

  5. Imagine if you sent a nude and he replied “hey don’t send those anymore. Okay?” Wouldn’t you feel like the biggest POS and get super self conscious? Because I sure as hell would. I don’t think you were being malicious but definitely insensitive. You’ve gotta apologize and make him feel hot and wanted

  6. You asked him to be vulnerable – he did, and you rejected him! Girl – apologize like crazy! No offense but he may not be able to come back from this tbh. 😕

  7. You don’t know what’s wrong? Christ If we believe you, you’re utterly incompetent at empathy, and if we don’t you’re even more of an ass.

    If you sent him a picture of your boobs and he responded “hey don’t send me boob pics anymore” how would you feel? Compound that with your lack of understanding and I don’t know why he’s still with you..

  8. I basically told him you wanted something and then you didn’t. You fucked with his emotions and he is definitely insecure now. You need to have a talk with him and give him reassurance. Just try to be supportive.

  9. You responded that to him as soon as he sent it? Ooft I don’t know how you come back from that’s. That’s harsh

  10. Unfortunately you really fucked up and I don’t think you have the emotional maturity and communication skills to talk it through with him. I think your best bet it to do nothing and hope he gets over it on his own

  11. I mean, I understand that you didn’t know you wouldn’t like it but…did you really have to be so cold about it? If I was him I’d feel like utter crap.

  12. Oh yea you messed up. Couldn’t you have just went along for a bit? Like… You literally asked for it.

    You could have always explained it to him later on in person.

    You need to have a long honest talk with him to fix this..

  13. How do you mess up that badly? You knew he was very hesitant but yet when he felt comfortable sending one, you confirm exactly why he was hesitant in the first place. Real fucked up

  14. I think you need to realize that sometimes thoughts should stay thoughts and shouldn’t be said out loud… it definitely hurt his self esteem. Imagine roles reversed. YOU would definitely feel hurt if he said the same thing to u.

  15. Yeah you fucked up. Did you at least say nice dick? Or did he send it and the first this you said was “don’t send anymore”.

    Tbh idk how you recover from that. Every nude my SO send is hit with a overwhelming flow of compliments, even if it wasn’t all that good 🤷‍♂️ bc they are trusting and being comfortable with you.

  16. Why is everyone down playing what you did “you goofed”. Nah you’re a straight up cunt for that. You made him do something vulnerable, after he warned you. Then you basically said “can you not do that again”. I hope he leaves you and finds someone better.

  17. coming from a woman, reverse the roles. you’d feel like shit if your man said “hey don’t send me any pussy pics anymore, Ok?” you’d be mad insecure.

    literally a bitch move. i hope your boyfriend finds better than this shit.

  18. Nicely done! You really wanna repair? Then go put some effort!

    Just think from his shoes, how would you feel if he turns you down when you send him your nudes!?

  19. You guys are way too old to be playing these games. Oof. This is some teenage stuff. You never should’ve responded to him that way after you *asked* for it. That’s pretty gross of you, and he deserves to feel turned off by it.

  20. Duuuude he deserves so much better. I genuinely feel so bad for him. You are fucked up for that

  21. Today in “How to be an asshole”.

    Wtf is wrong with you? So, you get compliments and praise but the second he sends you the picture YOU ASKED FOR, you decide to be an horrible human being. There are better ways to communicate.

    Apologize to him, BE BETTER!!!
    He doesn’t deserve this.

  22. He probably feels like:

    – you set him up;
    – you’re yanking his chain;
    – you’ve confirmed his fears about what women think about dick;
    – you think his junk is ugly and you don’t want to see it.

    …what exactly did you _think_ would happen?

  23. You absolutely fucked with his head LMAO, wtf. Imagine if he told you to send something to get him off and then immediately replied “No nvm don’t ever send me that again, ok?” you would feel absolutely disgusting and shitty about yourself. I would stop wanting to be intimate also if I was him. Honestly this feel purposeful just because I can not believe that someone lacks that much self awareness to not know what they are doing.

    You are such a huge asshole for this

    Have you even said you’re sorry yet???

  24. Girl imagine you sent him a nude and he was like “hey don’t send me pictures of your body anymore ok?”

    That shit would HURT

    And honestly I’m not trying to be a dick but, how did you not expect exactly that reaction from your response? I know you didn’t have any ill intent but come on, I’m really struggling to see how somebody could possibly think that would be received well.

  25. Why would you do that?
    You asked him to send it, be appreciative and complimentary. If you don’t like it, just don’t ask for another one.

    Edit: how do you fix it? By groveling I guess. Put yourself in his shoes. If you sent him a nude and he replied ‘eew, don’t send that again’ – what would it take for *you* to regain your confidence?

    Start by telling him how attractive you find him, how much you love parts of his body, if you want nudes again – start by asking for bulge shots so he can keep some ‘dignity’ and build up his confidence again.

    I think you’ll be lucky if he recovers from this.

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