I’ve literally been so sick and anxious the past few days because I think I’ve been exposed to an STI. Basically I got my new vibrator on Monday and when I opened it I noticed that it had hair around it and it was dirty ( like it had specs of dirt and stuff). Anyways I didn’t use it but I did touch myself after touching the vibrator. It wasn’t till later that night that I realized I fucked up and today I’m experiencing some discomfort like it’s stinging when I have to pee – but it’s not as bad as when I got a UTI but Im so paranoid I feel like I could be making up random symptoms in my head Am I at risk?? I’m really stressed I have HIV or smthing incurable and I won’t know till it’s too late.

I can’t get tested for any STIs. I’m on my parents insurance and if they find out they’ll literally kill me. Am I at risk for an STI or am I just being paranoid??

  1. Paranoid, I’d say. Next time, don’t buy second hand sex toys. But you’ll probably have masturbated before with unwashed fingers. Same risk.

  2. You can complete forget hiv… And most others that I can think of. HPV being the only very unlikely candidate I can come up with.

  3. Highly unlikely anything can survive in that environment. If you really feel the need to get tested there are free clinics in larger urban areas. Also most insurance companies will be able to block any details of your std tests, contraception from appearing on statements to the policy owner (I’m actually not sure what age you have to be to request this, but for sure if you are 18-26 and on someone else’s policy they will do it.)

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