If you had to bake cookies from scratch, how successful would you be? Where would you lack?

  1. I mean, I know nothing about growing wheat or any of its alternatives to make flour from.

  2. have done it several times since I was a child, it’s very very common in Italy (where I grew up) to cook things from scratch, learning at an early age from mothers and grandmothers. What is your favourite kind of cookies? I can share some resources if you’d like šŸ™‚

  3. not successful at all. i lack a lot in the part of “physically being able to tolerate most ingredients needed for cookies”.

  4. I always suck at how long to bake them for lol and suck at making them all the same size. But damn do they taste good!

  5. I bake cookies from scratch all the time, literally all you have to do is follow the recipe.

  6. Hang on, are we growing the food? or just getting out of the pantry? Because the first one, Iā€™m going to struggle, the second i do every month or two

  7. I’d have no issue. Get the ingredients, follow recipe, bake then share. šŸŖ I’ve baked many many cookies for decades. Especially around the holidays. I prefer baking to cooking.

  8. Easy, doing this all the time. No problems.
    Regular or vegan options.
    Got lots of different baked goods I enjoy baking.

    No need for boxed mix.

  9. Without a recipe to hand, it would be bad. If I’m allowed to follow a recipe, it’s simple. I’ve never been a really great baker/chef but I can follow directions pretty well, it’s improvising or remembering things by heart that lets me down.

  10. Assuming i have a recipe and all the ingredients in hand, no problem. I am a bit of a cookie dough fiend though, so it is questionable how much would actually get baked into legit cookies.

  11. Completely successful? It’s not exactly difficult. I have all the ingredients to have, the equipment and I can look up a recipe (tbh I’ve baked cookies so many times I don’t really need a recipe).

  12. I would fail. I lack the ability to make them well when they are prepared and all I do is put them in the oven

  13. I would like to think very. I do all the time, I mean every time I have made cookies they were from scratch. Cookie dough for sale is not common where I grew up.

  14. I do it so often I don’t even need the recipe anymore. And people actually ask me to make them, so I guess they’re decent.

  15. If I have a recipe there’s no problem. I’m not really good at inventing recipes for baking though.

  16. They would be delicious and possibly highly decorated depending on my mood and the type I am making

  17. Itā€™s not that difficult if youā€™re talking basic cookies. Problems can arise if you lack the patience with the ā€œfancierā€ types – ones that have multiple elements like macarons, Tri-color rainbow, meringue, etc.

  18. Every single time I bake them (except that one time I made oatmeal cookies) they are too hard/brown around the edges.

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