What makes it not worth it to bring it up? And since you can’t or choose not to say anything about it, how do you deal?

  1. most internet arguments cause nobody’s budging lol. like feminism for example, years ago i used to argue all the time and go onto twox or whatever and try and convince them…..then i realized lol nobody is even listening to each other here, everyone on both sides thinks they are 100% in the right. So yeah I learned that internet arguments on things like gender and class just lead nowhere. So when I see feminists say some misandrist shit i often times just shake my head and step away. Been fantastic

  2. Arguing with women and losing, even though you might be right.

    Also, I don’t like that they say that they’re all different, but can’t grasp that the majority must have certain preferences in common.

  3. Basically arguing in the internet, especially in videogames. People forget they are human once they don’t look at each other face to face. I deal with it by ignoring those people.

  4. Extroverts insisting on talking all the damn time but getting pissy when an introvert wants just a little time to do their own thing without having to worry about anyone else.

  5. There’s a lot of times I’ll just stop an argument with my brother midsentence and walk away because I think on some level I consider him too damn stupid to realize when he’s done something wrong, or too immature to own up to it.

  6. Arguing on the internet. If I notice I’m getting in an argument with someone I say “Look this is stupid”

  7. My definitely-not-happening crush said she wanted us to be friends. And we were. Eventually, I figured out she was using me in various ways, and a couple of times outright lied to me to get rid of me so she could invite some other guy over to fuck.

    Don’t have any problem with her fucking other guys and not me … that’s her business …. but outright bullshitting a supposed good friend to get rid of me instead of being honest. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg

    Wouldn’t be worth bringing it up ‘cus it’s “none of my business” (which is true), and in fact she didn’t even know that I’d figured out she had these things going on, and I’ve just been keeping totally out of it and not said anything.

  8. Wealth inequality. The fact that some people are so rich that it causes half the world population to be poor due to the finite amount of a man-made resource called money. Some people are so rich that they could never run out of money in a single lifetime of constant spending. Nothing you or I can do about it, why bring it up?

    Politics. The fact that politicians will never fix the issue above due to the influence of money on their lives and instead distract people with other “issues” they make up including, but not limited to, wars. Nothing you or I can do about it, why bring it up?

    Countries. The fact that they exist and fight each other over the two issues above and use poor people as human sacrifices for their causes. Nothing you or I can do about it, why bring it up?

    Should I go on? This would be a long list but there is obviously a common theme: things that cause pain/suffering that I can never change even if I complain about it all the time to everyone I meet.

    How do I choose to deal with this? I ignore it as best I can and make snarky jokes about it, like any man. I also don’t respect laws I disagree with and define my own morality against these systems.

  9. Living with my parents for a while now while my house is being built and I forgot how overbearing my mother can be. A glass that you just drank out of being put down for a second? Take it to the dish washer immediately. Shoes, in my room, being outside of the closet and not on my feet? Utterly unacceptable.

    It’s not even like the house is messy or dirty or anything, but if it looks like the house is being lived in and not a show house then it’s not good enough for her.

  10. How people still use “a” and “an” and “then” and “than” incorrectly.

    Bringing it up, even just to educate people in a helpful manner, immediately labels you as an asshole or grammar Nazi.

  11. When friends don’t check in. I feel I’m the only one who reaches out anymore, and if anyone talks to me it’s cause they want help on something. But if I bring it up I get accused of just being whiny.

    It hurts to not have good friends, but hurts worse when I am not in a good place and ask for help (just someone to talk to and spend time with) and just get accused of being selfish.

  12. >What’s something that pisses you off, but you let it go because it’s not worth it to bring it up?

    Low cost, low quality chinese garbage choking the market

    >What makes it not worth it to bring it up?

    Nobody cares and they keep buying cheap, disposable garbage from a hostile, communist hellhole that hates them.

    >And since you can’t or choose not to say anything about it, how do you deal?

    I think of how funny Chinese Communist Hedgemony will be. Dark humor is still humor, right?

  13. Dealing with dumb people. The questions they ask me is literally a Google search away but still they(my college acquaintances) bug the hell outta me. I don’t bring it up cuz they won’t understand it.

  14. Irresponsible cat owners, “they are free animals” bullshit you’re the first to cry for us dog owners to get more rules and limits because YOUR cat was killed by a stray dog outside of the neighborhood

    Figthing in the table, why do I bother cooking dinner if at the end the family will scream and fight at the table instead of enjoying the food.

    Also that i’m the one of the friend group that tries to get the group togheter for a monthly burger in celebration of pay day and so we can share what we are doing with our lives

  15. People being shitty in public. Everybody always tries to defend their shitty behavior by making excuses. “I didn’t put my cart back because the store has employees!” “I block the aisle while I check my phone because it’s not my job to be responsible for my body!” “Nothing is a big deal, quit overreacting!”

    When you live your life like this every fucking day, and you justify it with excuses, you are part of the problem. One instance may not be a big deal, but be honest with yourself. This is not a “one time” behavior. This is a habit. Quit making excuses and fix yourself.

  16. Stupid people. No matter how you explain things to them, short of drawing a picture they will never get it, so why bother saying anything in the first place.

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