What concerns or reservations would you have, if any?

  1. No not at all, it comes down to if we have something in common or not no one really cares about age after a certain point.

    I’ve met a few 19-20 year old dudes who were in the military visiting my area who I can say hands down are far more intelligent than me and done more interesting things in the last couple of weeks than I have in the last couple of years, but they couldn’t even buy a beer 🤷‍♂️

  2. No, I have lots of friends in their 20s. I’ve also chosen to be just an acquaintance or stay the fuck away with a few. It’s either our values don’t align, their fucking boring(regular boring is OK), weird/creepy, interest don’t align, wanting to be more then friends, or a God damn child who can’t control themselves seeking drama and attention.

    I’m very guarded about sex with 20 year olds. With people my age, I joke about sex and it’s a good time. Every time I do it with a younger person, they end up in my room getting in my kink stuff. I then have to deal with a horny 20 year old who won’t put clothes on or let me put clothes on them.

    It’s hard to do anything with 20 year Olds, they’re always broke. They always need to borrow money from someone.

  3. I’m “only” 32, but no, no problem. I have more in common with them than people older than me, anyway.

  4. I’m 42 and have friends in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. Some are more casual acquaintances and some are close friends, but the ages have nothing to do with which are which. People are people, some you have lots in common with, and want to do things together, some you don’t, age plays very little into that.

  5. I’m 25, My best friend is 35 ! We connect on such a deep level that I have yet to find with anyone else. Sometimes age is truly just a number.

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