So im 19F a college student.Its very difficult for me to dance in front of others.I have never ever danced in public.I once participated in a dance(in 6th grade)that too because it was compulsory for whole class to dance.At that time as well it was difficult for me to keep up with the dance moves,it was feeling very awkward,the instructor was asking me to move more.I basically was very shy.When we performed on stage,i was just feeling uncomfortable(thinking how awkward i must be looking maybe)i remembered all the steps still i was looking at other dancers while dancing,i did not even look at the audience much.Somehow i managed to survive those 5 min maybe.I never ever danced again.I do not even attend marriages and do not dance on djs(i have never).I do not even dance or sing in front of my parents when we are just home(it feels very awkward).I though sing in front of my roommate and i like singing.I feel i can sing in front of others(i sang once along with my friend in class),but dancing is a problem.Though i like dancing,various dance forms and i dance when i am alone(i am average though).But if i am in people i get really weird at dancing(if they really really force me to) and that is weirder than i actually dance.What to do?

  1. As long as you’re a better dancer than Elaine Benes you’re probably fine.

  2. I used to worry about dancing and looking silly and then I decided as long as I am having fun, I don’t care what anyone else thinks. If you feel like you will have fun, then go dance. Usually no one is thinking about your moves either.

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