Maybe it’s something else? Any certain reasons why you choose one over the other or can’t stand one?

  1. I might text her a random msg saying something along the lines of “You should come suck/ride/take this dick.” But generally in dirty talk during sex I call mine a cock.

  2. Neither nor, because we aren’t anglophone. And believe you me, the alternatives aren’t better… so, “penis” it is

  3. It’s a dick when I smack her with it. It’s a dick when she sucks it.

    It’s a cock for everything else.

    Keep the zen and keep it balanced.

  4. I use dick, feels more comfortable coming out of my mouth and into hers.

    What I struggle with is a good dirty word for vagina to use around someone who dislikes the word pussy.

  5. Cock seems to be our go to. He calls me his cock whore and asks if I want him to cock slap me.

  6. Dick. I hate the word cock because when I was younger (like 15) a few boys in my class were showing everyone a ‘hilarious’ porno they found where the woman had a similar accent to us (English, West Midlands) and the way she said ‘cock’ still haunts me to this day. Can’t even bring myself to say it outside the bedroom, let alone in it when things are getting hot.

  7. My wife says cock. Although she also abbreviates it to D for some reason. She often demands a good dose of “vitamin D”. It’s never vitamin C, and now I’ll be kept awake wondering why that is.

  8. I usually say cock in a hyper sexual situation and dick any other time. Cock rolls out better when you are having dirty talk or having sex. Dick is a more general use term IMO.

  9. My wife and I don’t partake in dirty talk, but if we did I’d Google “define penis” and look at the list of synonyms for penis. We’d definitely pick something that would make us laugh like joystick.

  10. Both. I think both work well enough.

    I am apparently in the minority though for preferring ‘cunt’ over ‘pussy’ though.

  11. I’ll alternate if they are used too often. Having 100 “cocks” in the story gets boring quick, and is lazy writing (most of my dirty talk is sexting).

  12. Both. Depends on the message…. I miss your dick, your cock feels so good. Typing that just now made me realize I use dick when sexting & cock during sex. Not sure why

  13. In m mind I see dick as an organ, body part you name it. And cock is more abstract, it gives me pleasure like its the sexual thing.

    Yes you have good dick, but i want to feel your cock.

    If that makes sense.

  14. My gf prefers cock. She calls her ex-husband an abusive dick, so I guess that word now triggers bad memories.

  15. I have come to the conclusion more Europeans use cock and more Americans use dick. Just seems to be a word preferences having lived on both sides. Now Canadians it’s about half and half. Honestly prefer cock.

  16. Nothing compares to the multiple spanish words for penis, but I prefer to write dick in english 🌜

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