So my Fiancée 31 (f) has a best friend she has know since 12. Her Bf has a brother only one year younger. She is very close with all her best friends family including said brother. Due to them being close we go to many events and gatherings together. I feel as though my fiancé has some feelings towards him.
1st thing we were in Vegas and he made a joke she laughed and leaned in and playfully touched his chest harmless
2nd thing she always makes comments on how he ran through all her fiends and his current relationships.
3rd. During her best friends baby shower. She was doing a slight twerk to the music. I could see guys looking at her. I went to tell her about the guys looking at her and she goes was it “Maurice “ which is the brothers name.
4thing we recently had a pool party and she’s like playfully pushing him in the pool and he kissed another girl there I could sense a slight mood shift in her afterwards.
Am I reading to much into this ?

  1. I think there’s some insecurities here whether valid or not. You definitely need to get this sorted out before marriage because it won’t get better.

  2. Very possible you need to have a conversation with her about it. Also is she a very flirty person? Some people when are when they are around people they are comfortable with/friends with. You need to have an honest discussion before you marry her.
    It’s possible she doesn’t realize how it looks bc that’s how their friendship has always been. I had some friends that I had that kind of friendship with but once I got in a committed relationship I stopped talking to them in any kind of flirty or suggestive way out of respect of my gf.

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