any tips on what to avoid during sex so that the condom won’t break? i feel like i can’t fully enjoy myself knowing there’s a chance it could tear or something.

  1. * Make sure your condoms are the right size (not too tight or too loose)
    * Make sure they’re being stored in a cool place away from sunlight
    * Double-check the expiration date
    * Use lube

    Do all this and you’ll be golden 👍

  2. A condom used properly is very unlikely to break. You should definitely practice, and even ejaculate into one to see how it works.

    Your two most likely issues are it not being situated right leading to the ejaculate bulging at the wrong part of the condom, or it slipping off. The bubble at the top really needs to be RIGHT over the tip. If it is, the bubble will fill up with ejaculate and you’ll be good. If it’s not, it will build up pressure on a tight part of it, which could break it or force ejaculate out of the opening of the condom.

    Slipping off is a more common issue, and yes, this can be due to getting one that’s too big. But regardless of size, it can happen if your penis isn’t dry when you put it on, usually from lube, oral, or PIV before the condom was put on. So just make sure you’re as dry as possible before putting it on.

    Again, practice alone. You’ll feel better.

  3. Don’t forget to pinch the air out of the tip of the condom when you roll it on! It is critical that there isn’t an air bubble in there otherwise it could burst when you ejaculate.

  4. Using enough condom-appropriate lube is important, otherwise the condom can be broken down and weakened by the lube. Making sure the condoms and the lube are in-date is is also crucial or again it can lead to degradation and that degradation can lead to tears.

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