I just wanted to go to this restaurant but have no friends and others keep staring and whispering and laughing about me because I am sitting here eating alone this is too humiliating.

  1. Nothing wrong with going out to eat / going for a drink by yourself mate. I used to go read a book at various restaurants and a couple of pubs throughout my 20s. If someone is being a rude knobshine, tell them to fuck off. If they’re just staring, ignore them. They have nothing better to do than stare at someone in a restaurant.

  2. I’ve got news for you: those people you say are laughing at you for being somewhere, anywhere, alone probably don’t even know you’re alive. People have their own business to think about and you won’t usually factor into it unless you ask to borrow their ketchup or punch them in the face. If they are there with other people, that other person is who they are more concerned with. I would suggest you get a meal you like and enjoy it and pay less attention to the looky-loos who may be there.

  3. You just have to change your world view.

    People respond to the vibe you are giving off. You see yourself as a loser who is dining on his own. So every time you hear a laugh, you think they are laughing at you.

    But what if you were a private detective in the city, chasing leads on a murder or a major fraud case.

    What if you had been head hunted by a fortune 100 company to sort out a division that has been losing money.

    You are a world traveller.

    You are the location scout for the film industry.

    There are lots of reasons, positive, interesting stories as to why someone might be dining alone.

    You can make up your own story. Choose your own adventure.

  4. You’ve just got to live your life, because people honestly dont care and **if they do** then they’re miserable cunts that don’t deserve being acknowledged. why care about the opinion of someone who’s bored and sad enough to care about what someone else is doing with their lives. I go everywhere alone I enjoy my own company, I was self conscious at first but I realised there’s no point in doing so. everyone has they’re own lives and there shouldn’t be anything embarrassing about doing stuff alone. I still feel a bit embarrassed when I go to caffés alone but when I look around I always see people alone. maybe bring a book or a laptop for work if you still feel self conscious, but I hope the best for you 🙂

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