i’m just curious if anyone has any advice or anyone experienced the same thing.

i’m an 18 year old girl. i like having sex with my boyfriend and masturbating. i dont orgasm from sex but i can orgasm from masturbating, and sex feels good nonetheless.

anyways, i’ve come to realize that i don’t ever get horny or like turned on. i don’t get wet ever, even by myself and with the multiple partners i’ve had, and i don’t ever have sex because i want to that much. it’s usually because i like the feeling of validation of the other person enjoying it.

any ideas what this could be? i don’t think i’m asexual because sex still feels good and i do it and enjoy it, but i really never feel aroused or anything. i am on birth control and struggle with mental health if that helps

  1. It can be for different reasons. Birth control and your mental health can affect that stuff a lot.

    What I would ask yourself is: have you *ever* felt physical attraction or arousal? If the answer is yes, you are likely not asexual. But if not, you could be.

    Some (not all) asexual people still have sex or masturbate. Even without attraction, the stimulation can still feel good. It is designed to do so.

  2. It’s definitely the birth control. I had a friend with such issues. She had problems with her period, she was depressed and thought she will never experience an orgasam.

    Onse she stopped taking the pill and started using condoms instead, she felt a dramatic change. But it took her at least 2 months before she normalised after switching.

    I myself took plan B once and I can tell you that it messes up my hormones a lot.Don’t take such pills. Read on the packaging the side effects. They are quite dangerous.

  3. you can still be asexual and enjoy having sex/experience the sensations of pleasure when u masturbate or have sex

    though it could also just be low libido from birth control / mental health

    or both (a lot of asexual people have differing levels of libido)

  4. It sounds like part of what turns you on is being with your partner. Some people refer to this as responsive desire.

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