Within the first week of dating my ex I kissed someone else at a party and I told him about it. He broke up with me a year later because he couldn’t move on from it. Understandably. All of a sudden it became, “did I really expect [him] to forgive me” and I was made to feel like an idiot for thinking that given we stayed together to work on things, that his impression he gave me that he at least had intentions on forgiving me were false.

After he broke up with me he got tinder the next day and started posting on his story and following a bunch of girls. Those were indications to me that he was done with me so I tried to move on when someone asked me to hangout. I realized I just wasn’t ready and told this other person I needed space.

About a month after he broke up with me, he started talking to me again and acted as if we were together but never mentioned anything about getting back together. I brought that up because I thought he was using me and all he said was he wasn’t and the “label isn’t the problem” and we were just being “BFFs.”

Once my ex started talking to me again I felt guilty so I had enough respect I feel like for him to have told him that I hung out with someone else. After that, he unfollowed me on everything and told me he was done.
Week or so after that he shows up at my work and proceeds to ask if he can sleep over and was flirting with me.

I am unsure of his intentions or what they were and the only way I could get him to stop was to say I was focusing on myself (which is true) instead of pursuing a relationship with someone that doesn’t want me but wants to play with my feelings.

I know what I did at the beginning of our relationship was wrong.

What would you say his intentions truly were after breaking up with me and being done talking to me? because he was so clearly not over my wrongdoing yet coming back to flirt and whatever else. All the while never bringing up the possibility of working on things.

  1. He’s having trouble getting laid and wants your bottom cheeks. Only question is do you want a FWB situation.

    But this isn’t a renewal for a relationship. Your ex is his horny and wants to go back to his old warm home.

    Think smartly.

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