I’ve never been ugly during my middle and high school years but, I was pretty chubby, had tons of acne and my parents would literally shave my head bald every 3 weeks, so I basically convinced myself I would never get any female attention for the rest of my life.

Fast forward later and a year after high school in college, I’m now 2 meters tall, fit, with longer curly hair, and according to some people, attractive features.

The weird part is that in college, I will get lots of stares on a daily basis, and many times I’ve held back from approaching some of the people who stare because in my head, they’re only staring because I’m 2 meters tall which is uncommon in my country. But I’ve heard from people that I’m also attractive which I can’t fathom.

How do I get around this mental block so to speak, because I’ve heard I missed out on people that liked me because I took their attention for “Oh look he’s really tall” and not what it really was.

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