So I (MTF24) have been wanting to experiment with my sexuality for a few months now, but I don’t know how to go about it since I don’t really socialize. I worry about getting into a bad situation and end up getting hurt, or my insecurity kicks in and I back out.

I have 2 guy friends, but ones married and the other already explained to me how he’s not into me like that (they’re both very good friends) so I think that plays a role in trying to find partners to explore myself.

  1. You could ask your friends to introduce you to one of their friends, This is also a good question for r/asktransgender or r/trans

  2. Yeah finding partners is going to be an absolute PITA if you aren’t socializing on the regular. Take it from somebody that has the same issue. That’s the first problem you need to solve. Just don’t ask me how. I haven’t quite succeeded lol.

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