I feel like women are wired to pursue guys with physical attraction, even if he isn’t necessarily a good person. Because then they’ll try to give that guy ‘another chance’. Hot guys can get away with literally so many things in society, and one of them is relationships.

If you are attractive, girls won’t feel like a creep is approaching them, because they like them and want to be with them. Then the guy can fake their personality to make girls fall for them. If you have the looks, girls will automatically come to you, regardless of your personality, and then you can literally fake the way you act, to make her attached to you emotionally. Most of the time the guy with good personality will 9/10 never be approached unless he has the looks. Even if he is emotionally attractive. He won’t get any dms or invitations from girls either.

So yeah basically if you have the looks, you will be playing life on easy mode, especially in the dating market. Prove me wrong if you think otherwise.

  1. Well of course to a certain extent.

    Just like for the majority of people they want physically attractive partners. It goes for both sexes.

  2. Women aren’t “wired” to all pursue any particular one type of guy. Physical attraction is relative though there are trends in cultural norms. Grab a magazine off the rack in five different countries and you’ll see five different types of conventional beauty, but even with this a lot of people have a range of what they find hot. Most people in the world do not look like a magazine and yet most get lusted after, go on dates, have relationships et cetera at sometime in their lives.

    If someone is attractive to one girl they are not necessarily attractive to the next and a “10” can go swiftly to a “0” if they have shitty behavior, attitude, are rude to the server, or a plethora of other reasons.

    As for men being approached it depends on the sphere. More women approach men now than at any other time in human history.

  3. Go to YouTube and watch the episode of Healthygamer GG called “A perspective on female loneliness”

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