The question is simple.

Before people criticise the post I want to know our rights for striking.

I understand that we have an obligation to care for vulnerable people and I would hate to see them go untreated however, I genuinely feel we are seen as bottom of the pole when it comes to work.

I have worked in care now for some years and to give some context in my previous role 4 years ago I was paid £7.60 or around that. Give or take.
For £7.60 I have been spat at, strangled, verbally abused cleaned up human feces the lot. You name it.

I wouldn’t give up my job because I understand the importance of my role and how it can benefit somebody’s life who needs it most however, I also feel as if we have been exploited by organisations amassing huge amounts of wealth by paying staff absolutely nothing at all. The cost of living continues to go up and if support workers were to go on strike. Honestly, the country would descend into chaos.

So again, what would our rights be?

I’m sick of being paid barely anything at all when some companies can easily earn £3000 a month per resident.

All help is appreciated T.I.A

  1. If its an official, union organised strike, you can strike without fear of retribution in theory.

    If its not a union strike, you’ll get sacked for not attending work.

  2. Firstly you’d need to join a union and get all of the other care workers to join as well.

    You would then need to agree on what you were actually asking for.

    After that you would have to take your proposals to your respective employers.

    The employers would most likely say no in which case you can ballot for industrial action.

    If the ballot goes your way you could then give the employers 2 weeks notice of any industrial action you plan to take.

    If this means going on strike then be prepared to lose pay.

    All of this is impossible unless you all stick together,sadly in the care industry I’m almost certain they would bring in agency staff to cover your shifts while you were on strike. How many weeks can you go without any pay???

  3. What are you on currently? Min wage is roughly 9.50 an hour, no? No saying it’s a lot at all, but higher paid care jobs may be out there if you have a look.

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