**TLDR; two people coming out of LTRs & didn’t want anything serious. Met each other and had an insane connection – unlike anything either of us had. We still weren’t ready to dive headfirst into a new LTR & both have never truly been alone, so we parted ways.**

Does anyone have success stories about the “right person, wrong time” experience? A partner and I both were not looking for relationships and did not want to be in anything serious. We met each other, and it was unlike anything either of us had felt before. Everything in common. Emotionally & physically, the best connection we’ve both had. We talked about this a month or so before ending it & how we both were scared and panicked because we weren’t ready and didn’t want to not give ourselves the space, time, and experience of being single and alone and independent but also did not want to lose one another. Agreed to take it slow & tried to take it slow, but ultimately we weren’t. We were acting like we were in a relationship & spent so much time with one another and were not talking to, dating other, or sleeping with other people. Came down to it being that if we continued onwards, we were basically already in a relationship & just hoping that when the other person was officially ready to take it to the next level of bringing in family & friends, etc., the other person felt the same and if the other person didn’t, it’d be absolutely shattering to them, and it wasn’t fair to either of us to do that.

Are there any stories out there where this type of situation has worked out?

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