Any one wanna take my mind off of things? We can chat about anything idc, I’m from Canada if that matters I’m just trying to fill up the 100 letters needed to make this post. I’m sorry if u wasted ur time reading this

  1. My dude. This is going to hurt for a bit. At some point you will notice that you feel better and every day thereafter will be a little better than the one before. Do things you enjoy. Hang out with friends. Those always help speed things up.

    At 16 you have your whole life in front of you and so many girls/women you will meet along the way. Everything is going to be fine.

  2. I understand exactly how you feel, but trust me dude, it’ll get better and feeling will pass.

  3. Dude you has a gf at 16 you’ll be fine. I’m 23 and never had one, imagine how fuckef I am. You’re just beginning an awesome journey. By my age you’ll have had over a 100 awesome relationships and dates man. Chin up

  4. I understand what you are experiencing, but please do not fall into mgtow or blackpill movements or things like that too deep, ofc they have some interesting things to bring to the table but most of the time it will result into you being an incel, so take care of yourself and give you some time for it to settle down.

  5. When you’re 16, everything feels essential, critical, so I get it, I was there once, but let me tell you that in 20 years this will barely feel like a bump in the road. Don’t worry about her, do something that makes you happy and that makes you a more interesting person. Life is too short not to enjoy yourself

  6. Breakups always hurt especially the first one. Breakup playlists are a must.

    You are not wasting our time. Learn to reach out to supportive friends and family – it really helps. Some of those people will be rude, but some will be supportive. Learn from them how to treat others in the future.

    Go for a walk, drink some water, do something you normally enjoy. It won’t be the same right now, it might feel a little dull—- but that’s ok. Keep going and it will get better a little at a time.

  7. My advice would be immediately start making yourself feel better through self improvement. Work out… learn something cool (a trade/language). Use pain as a motivator. It’s probably NOT your fault things didn’t work out, and you’ll make the next chick come faster if you focus on positive shit/yourself.

  8. Listen to sad breakup songs. Surprisingly, it helps. It’s almost like there’s a certain amount that you need to cry before you feel better, so don’t suppress your tears. Let them flow, for they are healing. And one day, you will feel better. Just remember that healing is not a linear process, some days you’ll feel better than others, but overall there will be a long term trend of feeling better

  9. There’s probably no good advice anyone here can give you to make you feel better. But what we can say, is that a good majority of us have been there, and know exactly how you feel. It’ll hurt for a while. But god, you’re so young. Please enjoy those teenage years like they’re all you’ve got. My biggest regret was spending them trying to be older, not knowing I’ll never be young again. I wish you all the best!

  10. Bruh, that kind of stuff sucks, but most people I know that married their high school sweetheart are either divorced or miserable. Go build your own life and let things happen how they may.

  11. 1. It’s okay to be sad. You’ll be fine, but you don’t have to feel fine right now. This is a normal part of the grieving process.
    2. Cut off all contact with her for 3 weeks. Block her *everywhere*. If she reaches out, tell her you need the time to clear your head. Stick to your guns. This has a potential side benefit of making her actually experience the loss of you in her life. She wanted this, and you’re respectfully giving it to her.
    3. Spend time with friends. Start going to the gym. Work on a hobby you’ve been neglecting. Build yourself.

  12. Broski, that sucks 🙁 I bet it hurts a lot, and the changes you’re about to experience in your day-to-day are going to feel wrong…it’s important to take time to process everything. What happened? How do you feel? What did you learn? These are things you can get out of your system by writing it down or talking with someone close to you (just ask to make sure they’re in an available mental/emotional headspace). After that, the best advice I can give you is to focus on yourself. Find some constructive hobbies, explore new movies/TV shows/music, travel around town, etc.

    At 16, everything feels so intense, and that makes sense as you’re experiencing life for the first time. As time goes on, you’ll heal. It might be tough for a while, but keep looking forward as best you can. Good luck!

  13. It sucks. Each day stings a bit less though, and soon enough, it’ll just be a memory. There are so many amazing people you haven’t met yet who will come along in time. You’re not alone.

  14. Man, that’s tough. Especially at that age it feels like the world is ending. But it will get better. All we can do is tell you, that it does get better and one day you’ll sit where we are and all you can do is say it’ll get better. And you’ll know it’s true.

    Life can be tough sometimes. Some pain stays for a while.

  15. Hope you’re good bro. It always hurts like shit. If u want to talk I’m here. If u want advice, start seeing friends a lot more rn and do a bunch of things you enjoy. Hit the gym if u think that will make you feel better. Prioritise your mental health rn bro and youll feel better I promise

    Also don’t hold back on crying if u feel that way. It realeases endorphins etc that acc make you feel better

  16. My man, take two ibuprofen. They found that the pain centers of the brain respond to emotional pain, and that you can treat emotional pain by treating physical pain.

    Sorry you got broken up with.

  17. Exercise and movies helped me when I was younger. Exercise will help you sleep later, and if you rewatch movies you know and like, you can zone out, and it can feel nice and familiar. Best of luck OP, and well done for reaching out!

  18. I know how it feels I’d been there a few times myself, as you move forward realize that so many things in your life are thanks to that moment happening.

    ….Story time(skip if you don’t care): I was dating this girl in high school for quite a while I thought we were great together we had fun, plenty of things in common and so on. But after a while she hits me with it out of nowhere we are done. I was absolutely crushed, devastated even. I took some time to pout and feel sorry for myself (about a week to 10days) and realized that while she was a great highlight of times we had spent she wasn’t part of me. I had my own highlights and silver linings as well! And I realized that I didn’t “need” her I just wanted to be with her because I had become comfortable with her. Later I found someone else that was a great person as well, but that ended too. Though through each relationship I learned more about myself through those days and weeks following the breakup that lead me to know exactly the kind of person I wanted to be with my whole life. Several years later I found her and we have been together for over 10yrs now, and all of that is thanks to each and every one of my failed relationships previously for if not for them I would have never been where I was when I needed to be to meet the woman of my dreams and absolute blessing to my life, who I am still to this day enamored with the fact that I can call her my wife.

    Story over…. Regardless if you read my story or not know that moving forward is the best option and events of the past will help mold you and bring you to where you need to be as long as you are open to moving forward without getting stuck in the past.

  19. Biggest 3 tips I can give to a homie:

    1) It sucks but delete those pics, delete those texts, unfollow and focus on yourself. Trust me the temptation is real but it hurts way more getting info by creeping.

    2) Hang out with people as much as you can handle, don’t let yourself stay in your room all day thinking.

    3) Go to the gym. Find an outlet for all the negative headspace you got. Might as well get huge while you’re healing

    You got this bro, it doesn’t last forever I promise

  20. Start working out man, it can work wonders when you’re feeling lonely. It’s always been a good outlet for me!

    Become a confident man, who takes responsibility for your life and yourself. Women will respect it.

  21. Let that shit hurt for a while it’s okay man. Take care of yourself but don’t be in a rush to get through or bury that grief

  22. I didn’t waste my time reading this. I’m glad I did.

    I remember how sick I felt when my girlfriend broke up with me when I was, I think 17. My parents let me leave school, thank god. I was so goddamn sick I thought I was gonna puke/faint.

    Shit like this is what makes you wise. You have to go through this so you’re future self can be stronger. This is the human experience.

  23. It always hurts to be dumped the first time. I didn’t do much in the way of dating for serval years and was usually the dumper. At 23, I was broken up with for the first time. I was completely heartbroken. The relationship had only lasted for a few months but it was a total blow to my ego. In hindsight, it was a very good thing that it didn’t continue, but at the time it felt awful. You will feel better eventually!

    I’m from Canada too! The weather has been pretty back and forth where I am lately – feels like it’s gonna rain but then doesn’t, finally it does rain but then it’s sunny again a bit later, etc. It’s not consistent and it’s also making me so sleepy!

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