Why buy a truck when you never haul anything?

  1. It’s more about needing it for your high school musical dance off when your basketball team wins in the playoffs.

  2. My primary vehicle is a truck. I don’t know how anyone gets through the life without a truck. Especially if you are a homeowner. Holy hell……there’s always something that needs hauling. But gas mileage is a killer. My primary commuting vehicle for just home to work is a scooter. 63 mpg.

  3. I used to have a truck for overlanding. It was a great utility vehicle for daily commuting and weekend warrioring.

  4. If I attended truck-con without a truck I would look pretty stupid now wouldn’t I?

  5. So they can rev their engine at a young men walking down the street an show how tough they are.

    Source: am young black man who gives fake applause when these little boys rev at me

  6. Here in Gilbert AZ, an affluent suburb filled with commuters…
    a lifted truck is a common penile extension typically favored by our right-leaning neighbors – at least 80% of these trucks have some kind of a sticker that makes their political beliefs apparent. Lots of pseudo-machismo behind the wheel of these overpriced gas guzzlers.

    On the other hand… construction sites, horse properties and farm land isn’t too far away so there are a lot of legit workers/farmers/cowboys who need their trucks and put them to good use. They are excused from my rant.

    I am talking about the office working yahoo driving a truck with a 4′ lift that’s never been off pavement and tough-guy political stickers bitching about gas prices with a set of plastic balls hanging from the rear bumper – that dude is a putz!

  7. Because I’m 1.88 or 6’2, and because I know I’ve enough space to whatever I need.

    Boy, I’ve driven small cars, holy fuck. To start with, the person behind me is a RIP legs.


    Truck I think it’s an US expression, in Australia we just say SUV for those that are fully closed, you can go all the way to the back from within the car.

    Then we have UTE that are like trucks, it has the space on the back to carry stuff, materials, etc.
    People that use the car as work, prefer UTE because you can declare a lot of things during the financial tax return and receive money back from the government.

    If you say truck here, people will think you mean a truck, those big boys.

  8. I live in the boonies. The boonies has: dirt roads that were never paved (many of which are in washboard condition), floods (often) and has way more traffic than roads can handle, resulting in the few of us who know our way around using backroads and trails to skip out on main roads.

    I owned a Mazda3 for years. I absolutely loved that car, one of my favorite vehicles I’ve driven. I still missed having a truck almost every day being where I live.

    Edit: to add on to this, I am the “friend with a truck” in my circle of friends, and being that friend often means I help other friends out and get free beer, food and sometimes gas money out of it. It’s nice to be relied on from time to time.

  9. 4×4, weekend warrior work, cottage treks, the odd time I move appliances, or pick up a ton of top soil etc. I actually didn’t want a truck but I bought just a half ton v6 ram, and dman it comes in handy in so many situations.

    I don’t get why anyone buys a 90k truck though just to sit in the driveway, or go to the mall.

  10. I’m constantly hauling something. I’m the “guy with a truck” for all my friends, family, coworkers, local charities, plus my girlfriend, and her friends, family, coworkers, etc.

    Besides that, I live out in BFE and it’s all poorly maintained dirt roads. Even the paved roads have pot holes that could easily kill a car. I actually had to pull a guy out of one a while ago. He dropped the front wheel in a hole and it wasn’t even touching the ground.

  11. How do you know that the people you see driving a truck never haul anything? I’m sure some of them don’t, but there’s a lot of pickups out there that are. I’ve seen a lot of people that will use it as a work truck but just won’t bother putting a company logo on it. There are other people that regularly use it for personal projects or hobbies. In my case, it was a little bit of both. I most bought it for the use with personal projects and hobbies, but I have occasionally driven it to work sites as well.

  12. As someone who thinks these trucks are ridiculous and definitely all about compensation 😉 I came in here to see if there were any good thought provoking answers to make me reassess my opinion.

    I was left wanting.

  13. I bought a large SUV after buying a house because I had visions in my head of all sorts of trips to Home Depot or traveling around to vintage furniture stores looking for the perfect chair or whatever.

    After none of that panned out, when I was ready for a new car I downsized back into a compact car.

  14. For the majority of truck buyers who let’s be honest have zero need for a truck, it’s a signal of tough&cool rugged manliness, plus for half the country the idea of conserving fossil fuel use is for pussies, and if you’re insecure af about your masculinity, you are definitely not gonna worry about mpg.

  15. Because I do haul stuff. But now that I’ve done a few winters here, I realize the importance of 4×4 and high ground clearance.

  16. While I do haul a lot of stuff and live between rural and city homes in a harsh winter climate…. These are the reasons:

    – big family, lots of space. At one point in time I had 3 baby seats in the back and all kids got to sit in the same row and no one broke their bank or kinked their neck to put them in the seats.
    – I grew up with large, rear wheel drive, body on frame cars (think Caprice, Crown Vic’s, Town Cars etc) and pickups are the closest thing to that comfortable drive
    – I love muscle cars. I love v8 because they rumble and roar, especially when you tune them up. It makes driving a more visceral, satisfying and fun imo.
    – I grew up rural and I am into country – there is a mythos and aesthetic that is almost hardwired into people around trucks and rural culture that is nice.
    – status symbol – some people like a 100k vehicle that has nice leather, nice stereo, creature comforts and big rims and goes 0 to 60 in 3 seconds and I can show off to friends about its European heritage and parts bin sharing with Lambos etc. Well, I like 100k vehicles that have nice leather, big rims, nice stereo, creature comforts, can haul a lot of shit if I wish, throw it into a snowstorm or muddy construction site or down a unkept 2 km cottage roadway and still talk to my friends about how much it can tow and how it traversed over the flooded roadway with ease.

  17. Less vulnerable in an accident

    More space especially for people who are taller or bigger

    More useful especially for blue collar workers and home owners

    Fun to drive on dirt roads and terrains

  18. It was the only affordable, 4WD, decently tough vehicle near where I lived. That and I like trucks. Gas mileage ain’t too bad though.

  19. The typical answer would be: Because I wanted one! Kind of like having a motorcycle that gets 100 miles a summer put on it!
    I know a few city dewellers that have lifted, custom painted pavement queens only because they “wanted a cool truck”. Hell, my brothers neighbor bought a F’ing trailer so he could haul sh!t without scratching the paint in the ved of his truck!
    Seems to me like marrying arm candy that don’t fvk! LoL…

  20. Same reason why you buy any vehicle, because you want to, and you like it. You could ask the same question about anything.

  21. The majority of kilometers I drive there is nothing attached to the hitch or in the box.

    I bought a truck for the odd time when I do go on camping trips, fishing trips, etc. Those things are important to me. Had a car with a hitch before I went to a truck, but it was a pathetic tow vehicle.

    Plus we get alot of bloody snow in the winter, and the road maintenance here is shit.

  22. i haul firewood, most weekends i have a trailer on my truck and am towing shit around. I also only live right down the road from where i work so i don’t put a huge amount of miles on it

  23. God there are so many big trucks in the parking garage for my apartment. It’s just ridiculous. I would be surprised if 5% of them were used for work.

  24. To be honest, I feel safer in a truck. Whenever I’ve had to drive a small car or even an SUV, I just haven’t felt comfortable. It’s not a claustrophobic type of deal. I just feel like idiots on the road are a lot ballsier when I’m in a small car than when I’m in a truck. No one tried a thing on me in my F150 or in my Ram 1500 now.

    Plus I’ve become the friend with the truck. Whether it’s helping someone move or using the truck to tailgate at an event, I like being the friend with the truck. Like someone else said, I get stuff like free food and other stuff for being that guy.

  25. Have you seen most cars out in traffic?

    Why buy a car that seats more than one person if you only drive by yourself?

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