Hi, I tend to see people that I want to talk to in social settings but I don’t know how to approach them so if I do I usually just end up complimenting them and then just kind of awkwardly standing there. I feel like I look like mr burns from the Simpsons.

I feel like I give off a creepy uncomfortable vibe and part of that is I am uncomfortable in social settings most of the time just because I don’t know how people will perceive me because I come off quiet and shy but once I get to know people and feel comfortable around them I can be funny and expressive of my thoughts and opinions.

So yeah, how do I not be a creep and make people uncomfortable or call me weird? Because I got labeled weird a lot in school and even by my family. Most days I just feel like an other. Anyone relate? Any advice?

1 comment
  1. Not sure what youre out to accomplish, but if you wanna initiate conversation and be what i would call or do what i would call a dominant move, you have to own it and go all in and not be doubtful. On the other hand, i would personally advise to instead put yourself out there in a position where youre approachable and wait for them to make a move.

    If this isnt a romantic interest id say you could just say “HEY, long time no see” if you know the person

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