So I (22/M) share classes with Claire (21/F). I just have this gut feeling she has feelings for me but I’m just not quite sure, but I’m also oblivious to girls making hints towards me.

So We both commute to school and park in the same spots as each other. I noticed for the past 2-3 weeks that she’ll get there slightly before me and she’ll wait in her car and then once I arrive she gets out and she just seems pretty happy to see me.

She also does this thing in class where we make fun of our Professor and whenever he says his common phrase or terminology, she’ll turn her head a little and look right at me and we both just smile and laugh a little.

We made a bet to see which phrase he would say more that day in class and since I won she had to buy me gum. So the class after this we were walking to our cars once class ended and she said she had a surprise for me and to come to her car and once we got there she said “close your eyes” and then showed me the gum and just seemed happy to give me the gum bc she remembered how I used to love Juicy fruit gum.

Lastly, she’s been playful with me. And I’ve been playful with her. She’ll mess around with one of my Google docs and then I’ll mess back and she’ll say something like “try me again I dare you” and does other playful things.

I’m just wondering if any of this means anything.

TL;DR: Unsure if girl from school likes me. She does things to make me believe she possibly likes me and I have a feeling she does.

  1. Go for it. I’m also awful about telling when a girl is into me, but she literally makes it a priority to start her morning with you. Good luck dude

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