I (18F) cannot fully enjoy anything sexual. It’s like I’m a robot or something. Whenever I try, it’s like I get little sparks of pleasure, but no fire. I don’t think I’m asexual because I desire sex. I want to to be kissed, touched, fucked, and the like. By both sexes, too, so I don’t think it’s like a gender preference thing either.

Fantasizing is the only thing that can really get me excited, but that can only make me go so far, you know? I want to go further.

I’ve tried masturbation, and that was…pitiful. I swear I’m touching all the right places, hitting all the right spots, but I feel absolutely nothing.

I tried having actual sex, but that again, was really bad. I ended up giving the guy a blowjob and that was it. He couldn’t even stick it in because I wasn’t wet enough and too tight. I got nothing sexually out of that experience.

I asked my doctors, and apparently my medication is killing my libido. I take them for Bipolar 2 and my acne. It’s so frustrating to know that because of things I cannot control, it’s either be dead-happy, have horrible skin, and possibly be sexually satisfied or be a mental stable nun with a defunct vagina. I can only change so much medication at one time, and basically all the Bipolar 2 meds have the same side effects.

And how am I supposed to find a relationship? How do I explain to a partner, “Don’t worry, it’s not you. My vagina’s broken lol”. Nobody wants to date a semi-sexless weirdo. What am I going to do?

  1. It’s just you medication so don’t overthink it focus on your fantasizing and try sexting with experienced partner to help you just be normal under your medication side effect also if it’s okay to miss your dose before having sex if that’s wont effect you badly

  2. Find a good lube. It may help. There are also creams to cause your body to respond better.

  3. I think foreplay is definitely important. Especially if you have a partner to do it with. Build up to having sex. Kissing, dirty talk, find out what you like.

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