I have gotten my picture taken for my profile once before. It definitely helped, and given that Hinge has people like specific parts of the profile, I can see that a large number of my likes are on my professional photo. They are pretty old now so I want recent ones.

I feel like my previous pictures were a bit too posed though. They look to me like there’s a genuineness missing. However, I don’t know if my preferences for my own pictures aligns with those of the women I would want to date.

Both the experiences of men with their pictures and input from women about what they like in a man’s pictures are very welcome.

  1. You should try to take more pictures of yourself when you’re feeling confident. It also helps when you ask friends to take pictures of you when you’re having fun or at a party or something. Also like group pics help and showing your personality in your pictures

  2. Smile. For the love of god, smile in your pics.

    Looking through men’s profiles as a woman on any dating app, 99% of guys are scowling or trying to look like stern badasses in all their pics, or at best they just have completely blank expressions.

    Nobody’s going on dating apps hoping to find an angry asshole who doesn’t enjoy his life.

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