Your daughter comes home with a boyfriend. What is one thing that would make you say NO!

  1. If he’s way older than her

    Edit : I cant believe I’m saying this, but a 1 year age gap is not far/way older at all

  2. If he opened the door and said “Do you think the Hobbit Trilogy was better than the Lord of the rings trilogy?”

  3. “There’s only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures and the Dutch.”

  4. A man who looks like a zombie but he’s just a bunch of gnomes working to make my daughter their queen.

  5. If he seems like a disrespectful, bad-boy dumbass then no, thanks. I don’t care if he’s smart or not, if he’s got a bike or tattoos, if he has good intentions and is well meaning then he has my go ahead. Having spent a lot of time around the alt community and players and fuckboys, I can smell the shitheads from a mile away. Of course, I wouldn’t want to be the type of dad that keeps his daughter in a tower, but there’s a difference between “this kid is only trouble, I gotta prepare for the tears to flow” and actual overconfident idiots that might genuinely put her well-being in danger or leave her with an addiction or a kid. One is a maturing experience that we must all pass through and one is a tick that needs to be pulled off her skin before it digs in.

    We all know they type of dudes I am talking about. The same goes if I had a son too, for dipshitness is not sexist.

  6. He is my age or older.

    He is disrespectful.

    He is a known criminal.

    He has multiple babies by several different mothers.

  7. He disrespects her.

    I don’t care how he looks, what he does for a living, what race his is, what his socioeconomic background is. If he’s mean or disrespectful to my daughter, I’m doing everything I can to persuade her to leave him

  8. Have two dating-age sons, and I gotta say the door swings both ways on that one: One time the older one showed up with his HS girlfriend and in the course of the first few minutes she made belittling comments, hit him, pushed her hand in his face to interrupt him talking, told him he’d be buying her something nicer than what he’d just offered, and generally made it clear she was a piece of shit.
    I informed her that if a guy treated my daughter the same way he’d end up in the deep freeze in the garage, while I volunteered for the missing person search. She didn’t stick around long, and the kid has better self-esteem these days.

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