I met this guy and we started hanging out together. After 1-2 months I started liking him a bit. And he seemed to be flirting with me as well. I confessed that I like him and his reply to that was pretty much speechless. Later he also said that he likes me but doesn’t really want to commit. I really didn’t think it that far (on the level of commitment talks) I just wanted to know if he likes me or not. Then I explained that I wasn’t even thinking of commitment yet, that’s like next level of conversation. We cleared things out and got on the same page and Then we talked for sometime. After that, things seemed to be changed a bit. Earlier he used to call or text himself now he rarely does that. It feels like only I am trying to contact or meet him. He didn’t even ask me out on a date (I am frustrated). It’s been a month since I confessed. I think I would cut off from that person now because things are really taking a toll on my mental health now. But I am sad because how come people just change. Was i wrong somewhere? Or he is just distant? What should I do now? How should I behave if he contacts me? Should I let him know that this isn’t working and you should leave? I am so confused

  1. This might be a case of” oh shit this flirting got serious”.
    People enjoy the thrill of the chase but once they make it they dip out I guess.
    Idk tbh I don’t want to randomly bash on a guy I don’t even know but if you don’t like the situation either confront him about it or just go on your way if it’s not even worth it.

  2. For some reason commitment terrifies men, and it’s sad because it makes it hard for women to be completely honest with them, but if they begin to distance themselves then it’s probably because he doesn’t want you to get attached to him if he’s not ready to be serious, even though that’s not what you want either, but they assume that it is. Instead of leading you on he’s letting you go try find someone else that may want the same things your looking for. Usually you don’t want to mention anything about how much you like them or until you know for sure that they are into you. Meaning they want to see you all the time, they are sending you good morning texts, he invites you over for dinner and actually cooks for you, you guys start spending every weekend together, then you can ask, so what are we doing? Blah Blah Blah, till then don’t mention it because it will scare them away.

  3. Been in the very similar situation. Turned out he was lying and cheating on me after telling me he was not seeing nor talking to anyone. Broke up and immediately got another girl literally living in his apartment since the day we broke up. They probably met one or two times before we broke up and before and after he came for my birthday and had sex a few times

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