I have a lot of success between black men, while for white men i am just a regular girl.
When i go out the small amount of black men you can find where i live hits on me very agressively, this doesen’t happen to my other female friends, it’s crazy, if i go to a club with 5 black men around they will all hit on me if i cross them. You might say they are just more straight forward when it comes to flirting, but they don’t do this to me female friends and they notice this too.
I am from spain and black population here is very small (most of them are originally from Africa) specially in the north where i am from, but it doesen’t matter. When i walk on the street, when i go out, no matter the situation, if i cross a black men in every 9/10 scenarios they will hit on me.
This is not a brag post because white guys behave in the exact way to me than to any other regular girl, also any other race, but black men ALWAYS seem to be way more interested in me.
Physically you could say i am an exotic girl, i am very tall (6 feet, 183 centimetres), am not too skinny, but i have a regular weight, also not overweight or close to it, more like a swimmer big girl, i could say i am athletic.
I have dark hair, dark eyebrows and brown eyes, but also a very pale skin, i got told i kinda look like dua lipa.
I thought that maybe its the way i dress, but even dressing completely normal and not revealing at all i got hit by two black men in the exact same morning.
I also got told it might be because i have a big butt, and i kinda do, but i got friends who do to and they dont are not in this situation.

Dont take this post as a complain or a way of bragging, i am genuinely interested in why do i look very appealing only to black men, but for the rest of races i am just another regular girl.

1 comment
  1. In America, having a nonwhite girlfriend/love interest is a status symbol for a lot of black men.

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