Hi all,

Dunno if this belongs in r/sex or r/Fitness

Position for reference: [Wrapped Dancer Sex Position (sexinfo101.com)](https://sexinfo101.com/positions/dancer/wrapped-dancer?set=all-sex)

So as it turns out, my girlfriend is a big fan of this position. The problem is that I’m a total weakling. I can’t pick her up and stay like that for very long, and afterwards can’t pick her up at all…

What exercises/gym stuff can I do to help this? Picking her up to practise is kinda too hard rn…

Help kindly appreciated!

  1. Pretty much any general strength program that includes the 5 big barbell movements (bench, squat, deadlift, overhead press, rows)

    Check out r/fitness, the wiki has tons of proven reccomended programs

  2. Penis haver’s suggestion: Agree with barbell exercises, but also try this: Hold a box of heavy shit like this and walking around with it. I reccomend a plastic milk crate or sturdy plastic bin with rocks or plate weights in it. Start with something you can hold for about 2 minutes.Try to go timer based, and (given rest days) try three days in a row at the same duration, and then add a minute or two. You could also do sets, which i would recommend. Alternate adding time and adding weight. Eventually you should be able to do this with sonething close to or exceeding her weight for a pretty long time.

    Vagina havers advice: I also like this position and one thing ive done in the past to help my partners is try to lose some weight and practice isometric exercises. I think if your partner does horse stance and some pulldowns and bent over rows she’ll be able to hold on better and make it easier for you also.

  3. I love this position and have done with most of my lovers.

    Most critical are leg and back strengthening. If you do it right, your legs do most of the work, so do bunches of squats, stair climbing, and seated presses. For the back, do deadlifts. Make sure to include stretching before and after.

    The arms are mostly for stabilizing the woman. Curls are probably enough, but why not curl to an overhead press while you are at it.

    Make sure that you do this next to a bed or soft chair. If you sweat you want to have a soft place to set your partner if she starts to slip from your grip. You can also make a smooth transition from standing to sitting without disengaging from your partner.

    Have fun.

  4. You could try modifying this position by having her sit on a kitchen counter so you don’t have to support all of her weight.

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