I don’t believe it’s possible to achieve all of them simultaneously, you have to sacrifice at least one while you work on the other. You could eventually achieve them all but perhaps at different points in time through your life. You could also never achieve any of them.

  1. The order you put them in.

    Health is the most important for me, because I’d rather be poor and lonely, but not crippled or in pain.
    Love is last, because I’ve been single for so long now that I don’t even care anymore.

  2. Good health boosts other areas of your life. You will be happier, more energetic, potentially more confident, etc. Which then leads to other areas of your life such as money (work) and love going well as well.

    However, you can probably get by with money and then health and love as well, eg. sacrifice the others for a bit to focus on that and then bring them into the fold.

  3. **Happiness**, Health, Love, Money.

    My own happiness comes first. I do whatever is going to give me more satisfaction. Whether its food, family, friends, or just having a good time. You only live once.

    What the point in being healthy, if you’re not enjoying your life. Be old and miserable? No thanks. You need to be somewhat healthy to be there for friends and family. Lastly, what’s the point in money, if you’re depressed, alone, and in hospital? So that’s my order.

  4. > Health, Money, Love

    In this particular order. If I’m not healthy – I can’t be productive ergo I can’t get money. If I don’t have money for myself – there’s no point in searching for love (because, whether we like it or not, love does come with a bill)

  5. Love, health, money.

    I can have quality of life without money (given health and a loving family). If I have love I want it to last as many years as possible. I am in love and wouldn’t trade it for anything at all.

  6. You don’t sacrifice any of them, you just do things in seasons. When I first met my wife, love was pretty much the only thing that mattered. When I was going to school after the military and first started my career, money/career somewhat took the front seat. That being said, my wife and I discussed it and got on the same page about what those few years were going to look like before we got there. Health was at the forefront in the military and when I got out I got fat then health because the primary focus again. Now, love is my most important issue with health close behind followed by money. I put love ahead of health in part because part of the reason I make sure to stay healthy and in shape is because I love my wife and want her to have a healthy and in shape husband. Money comes last as a focus because I’ve already built a solid foundation and we have a plan in place that we just need to execute each month.

  7. TIME. Health can be increased by simply eating right and exercising. Money can always be increased through effort. (Finding) Love is entirely luck-based, so focusing on it doesn’t even make sense.

    Time, however, is a finite resource. Every minute wasted literally puts you closer to the grave.

  8. Interesting that I’ve been able to go to school, find a job, get a job (work it) – all while being at a healthy weight (finding time for exercise) and finding a woman to date and then marry. Not like I didn’t date or exercise while going to College and then when I went job hunting (worked a job).


    Maybe if you’re interested in get rich schemes or starting up your own business (on a path to being a billionaire) that your time devotion towards making money is rather significant – but there are a lot of decent to good paying jobs where you put in 8 hours a day (most days) which leave you 8 hours to do other stuff.


    More often then not, most people waste a shit load of time in any given day. Xbox, social medial, reddit, TV, just spacing out, dozing in bed (after 7 1/2 to 8 hours of sleep) etc. can eat up a lot of time in a day. If you’re struggling to handle those primary things (Health, Love & Money) – cut down on wasting time or your forms of entertainment.

  9. Health, money, then love. I don’t have to work for love from my family and friends, I just be myself and love them and it’s already there no matter what. I don’t want love from a romantic partner, been there done that not my thing, so that leaves health and money. I’m currently working through a back injury so health is my number one priority, and I can’t get money without my health lol so once I fix my health, hopefully I’ll rake in some cash.

  10. Health : because being healthy gives you inner confidence and power.
    Wealth : because you can buy all the stupid shit that really makes you happy.
    Love : because I’ve given up, and couldn’t be bothered by it, if it happens, great ; if it doesn’t, well wasn’t planning on it anyways.

  11. Health, love, money. Whether physical or mental, is critical to almost every aspect of living and overall improvement in quality of life

  12. It’s about balance. Without money, health insurance and lovely dates may be difficult. Without health, day jobs and blowjobs become difficult. Without love, mental health will be effected.

    Love, health, money in that order

  13. Money, love, health.

    It should be the opposite, but I can’t really be a good father to my children and husband to my wife if I can’t earn and provide them with the best head start in life. And with whatever free time I have, I want to spend it with them so sometimes working out or eating healthy goes last.

  14. >I don’t believe it’s possible to achieve all of them simultaneously,

    I disagree as one tends to make the rest easier to achieve.

  15. >I don’t believe it’s possible to achieve all of them simultaneously,

    I disagree as one tends to make the rest easier to achieve.

  16. health now. because I have to sadly 😥 and love is gone. money is no more revelant because I have some comfort and I’m OK with this.

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