I(19M) have a problem with a coworker(33f). She really doesn’t like me, I’m not sure why. She says stuff behind my back and generally takes the piss when I say things. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this, I haven’t said or done anything to her. Anyways, we work in a small restaurant and we’re always in close contact which makes it that much worst. It is taking a toll on my moral considering I have really bad anxiety already. Can I have some advice of how to deal with this?

  1. There will always be people like this around us. One way to overcome this is to just remain cordial and be courteous whenever given the chance to do so. Don’t argue with them as they will be unreasonable and focus on your work.

  2. Interact with her as little as possible. Be polite, but don’t go beyond small talk. Don’t tell her about yourself or your life.

    If it causes issues with your work, take it to a supervisor but emphasize that she is making your job difficult instead of talking about how she doesn’t like you. Maybe ask if you can be scheduled on different shifts.

    When you can, switch to a different job within the same company that will keep you from having to work with her directly.

    When the situation is getting you down, remember that the problem is her and not you. Also remember that you’re really only there to get a paycheck, and as long as she doesn’t affect your paycheck then whatever games she’s playing really don’t matter.

  3. 1.Confront her why she does that

    [2.You](https://2.You) don’t have to like each other, you don’t have be friends etc. so just do your job, be professional at work (here I mean for example if you have to work at some task together, do it quickly, don’t engage in unnecessary conversations, focus on the job and that’s it)

    [3.You](https://3.You) can try to do something unexpected, for example compliment her or something she did well at work, be nice – maybe this will make her feel stupid/baffled when she will have a thought about talking stuff behind your back, behaving bad etc.

    4.Maybe her husband/partner cheats on her so she is frustrated and that’s why she behaves like an agressive bee – and unfortunately you are the target

    If 1 & 2 & 3 doesn’t work, and her behavior gets burdensome maybe talk with the boss, that her behavior makes everyone’s work difficult etc.

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