I love my partner and I love everything we do together but when It comes to seggs time… sometimes who starts it’s him bc he knows how to but idk what to do when I want to start it bc I’m shy and insecure lmao (ew) it’s annoying

Pls help me
Edit: don’t be rude, I’m really concerned about this

  1. A daily meditation practice helped me a lot. It teaches you how to silence the peanut gallery in your brain, or just let uncomfortable thoughts fly by. It was a game changer for my sexual wellbeing. If you’re self conscious or overthinking or worried about looking stupid when you try to be sexy, it may help!

    Also, a long time ago I got some good advice to “be scared but do it anyway”.

  2. Honestly, what I’ve done is “fake it till you make it”. Try mustering up the courage and try to initiate, and accept that you may fail, but even if you do, there’s always next time. Practice makes perfect. My first time trying to have sex went horribly, but now after getting plenty of practice, I more know what I’m doing. Would never have gotten to this point if I quit at the first attempt.

    Also, this is literally r/sex. You can say the word sex here. Can also say fuck, etc.

  3. The benefits to your partner and relationship will be well worth the effort it will take to work through whatever is holding your true self back. All I can say is you have to do something you feel from within and start building from there. Find something you want to do something you’re genuinely interested in vs what you might guess he might like whatever that may be as long as it’s something that appeals to you in some way and do it. Something you’ve imagined doing and never had the courage. Can be some little something there’s a very likely chance he’ll respond very positively and boost your confidence.

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