Men what’s the most number of shots you had when you went out drinking?

  1. About fourteen.

    That night, my friend and I ended up trading girlfriends for the night and then being thoroughly unable to have sex with them.

  2. Idk but I do remember puking and that’s why I can never drink peach dr mcgillicuddy’s or ideally any mcgillicuddy’s

  3. More than 20. Don’t remember the exact number because I woke up 7 hours later in the emergency room in downtown DC wearing a diaper 😂

  4. Pretty close to an entire 750mL bottle of whiskey over the course of a New Year’s Eve party when I was 20.

    Looking back, I had a pretty bad binge drinking problem throughout my late teens and early 20s.

  5. At the peak of my professional drinking career, I could stay on my feet until around 18 or so. Now, maybe five. Maybe.

  6. Shots and went out specifically? 0

    Shots equivalent and drank? 28-32 in one sitting. College was a different time dude.

  7. Not sure but I was at a party and a guy was pouring shots that no one was drinking and he looked kind of sad and I felt bad so everytime he called shots I took one , so… that many

  8. tequila champinship here in Brazil, 31 consecutive shots was my max . i managed to get to my home on foot(5 min walk), and then each those 31 shots hitted me like a truck. i woke up 15 hours later, covered my room in vomit and piss, but luckily, i managed to do the heavy duty(number 2 ) on the toilet. Cleaning wasn’t as fun as drinking.

  9. That I remember? I did 16 shots of vodka before a concert cause we started pregaming at 11am.

    Couldn’t tell you if that is the most or not though. Not trying to brag, if you can do 16 shots of anything you need help. I did need help at that point, just had an incredibly high tolerance due to years of being a functional alcoholic.

  10. Shiiiit, I finished an entire 750ml Crown Royal and had 2 Hennessy shots and 2 old fashion doubles with Woodford Reserve. Woke up to my brother giving my a shower in his house. My brother doesn’t live in my city.

  11. Depends on how you count them. When I was in college I did (over the course of the evening…not in a row) 6 shots of 151 and chased each one with a Long Island Iced Tea so…if you could 151 as 2 shots and each LIIT as 2 it would be about 24…it’s not perfect math but I’d broadly say about 20.

    No hospital but also no drinking for a month after that night…woof.

  12. More than 23 that one time but that was because I’d just turned 23 and was challenged to take as many shots as my age and that was after I’d already been drinking for a bit. Woke up *real* fucked up the next day.

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