what’s a job you wish you knew existed in your 20’s?

  1. I wish I knew more about trades like Instrumentation Technicians. Thought that I needed a university degree to get a good job but now work with many people that took another path and are doing well for themselves.

  2. I knew it existed but railroad conductors, engineers and track repair. I thought it was impossible to get into idk why. I’m 29 but if I knew sooner than when I got in at 27 I’d be making stupid money by now.

  3. I was channel surfing the other day and stopped on ESPN2 who were covering professional Tag (yes, guys getting paid to play Tag) followed by professional Cornhole. Yes, that same game we all play at BBQs, folks are getting paid for!

    I seriously had to consider my life choices after seeing that

  4. I wish I knew how much people work in telecom made. I’m really good at problem-solving which makes me a great inventory manager; but my brother makes way more

  5. Skilled Manufacturing and the trades.

    I spent my adolescence being pushed down an academic pathway that didn’t suit me and didn’t really have great career prospects either.

    Now I’m a line engineer in a food factory.

    I’m earning £50k a year before OT. For context that’s a very decent salary for the North of the UK.

    Outside of the doctors and a couple of friends in IT/project management I earn more than most of the people I went to school and University with and have significantly less stress than they do.

    If I’d been guided differently I could have skipped uni and gone straight into the field I’m in. Or I could have been guided towards studying something that suited me more.

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