What makes people fall out of love?

  1. Time.

    Getting used to someone reduces the exitement. Plus, it can make people take their partners for granted.

    Other than that, it’s seeing your partner (regularly) doing something weird/disturbing/rude/unattractive.

    These are all the reasons I can think of at the moment.

  2. When certain promises or compromises were reached and decided upon and then the other partner suddenly reneges on those expectations when they’ve gotten too complacently comfortable. These can include:

    Changes in lifestyle which affect physical appearance…(weight, cosmetic surgeries, tattoos)

    Frequency of sex / intimacy

    Financial goals being disrupted because someone decides that for some reason they can’t or won’t work anymore

    Mind changes about kids

    Abusing behaviour which has been hidden all along

  3. Habits and getting used to each other, meaning time, if you do not do something to change the routine.

    Think of one past relationship and how you loved someone at first, you missed them so much, thinking all the time how to get close, dating etc., but after some time together, you want some free space, you hardly date, it is getting boring.. You are used to each other, and the thing you have is not special anymore as it used to be. Unless, you do something about it and reignite the passion.

    I guess we are not talking about just loving the person for example a friend, but love as a romance etc.

  4. You have to choose everyday when you wake up to love your partner and put in the effort it takes to keep the fire burning. It doesn’t do it itself, the fire will eventually die out if not properly fed.

  5. Boredom, mostly.

    Make her love you, make her hate you, just don’t become the borefriend.

    Your job is to keep her entertained with regular novel experiences and activities, so she doesn’t get bored and find that stimulation elsewhere.

  6. Monogamy is another word for monotony. Boredom is the primary reason people are not “attracted” as much as they were. Women file about 3/4 of divorces in the US, and the top 3 reasons all amount to boredom.

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