I am currently a high school senior and today is my first day of school. I always thought about this and now I finally realized it is true that I have no friends at school or overall. Yes, I do talk to people here and there as well as have mutual friends but all of them have their own friend group that are way closer than whatever me and that person has.

I don’t think I am an extrovert but I’m also not an introvert, I even tried to start convos today but no one seemed interested at all. I thought about appearance issues too but as a low confidence person I don’t think i’m ugly at all, maybe mid but I def fit in to whatever my school standards are…

Since it’s my last year of highschool and I am applying to colleges all the way across the country I could care less about my social life here, but sometimes it really hurts to think that I have no friends, like wow am I that big of loser? How did I become this? What did I do wrong?

If anyone has tips on how to “survive” no friends school year it would be much appreciated. tysm guys:)

1 comment
  1. Okay I know this is unrelated but I’m a sophomore and I’m going to ask stupid questions. When you go to a college across country, where do you get the money to go across? Like for driving or flights. I ha e thought about this. Do you just save from your job or something?

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