What caused the most heated argument you had with someone?

  1. Long story, but arguing who would feed our rabbits.

    My sister decided to rescue 2 rabbits from a breeder, despite me warning her rabbits are some of the highest maintenance pets you can own. She thought she’d keep them a week and give them to a shelter.

    …shelters don’t accept exotic animals such as birds and rodents here. They’re also unneutered, and prepubescent, meaning we couldnt give them away either, and couldn’t get neutered for 3 months. Lucky for her, she had a vacation planned! Meaning I had to learn overnight how to keep two hormonal baby rabbits alive for 1-3 months…in the middle of finals week. They pissed and shit all over my closet carpet and we spent a ton on quality hay for baby rabbits.

    When she got home and shrugged off picking up the hour long cleaning and feeding schedule, she nearly killed them. I got on her ass and demanded she did more. She threw a tantrum but I was so exhausted I just kept pushing her, and we basically got in a screaming match that ending in us physically fighting.

    Best part is after I got Pancake and Sweet Cream a good home- she had the gall to act like I despised the rabbits instead of her irresponsible bs surrounding them.

    To be clear, that was in our early 20’s as well, not some teenaged spat. She just never grew up mentally.

  2. Someone threatened to kill me. It wasn’t really an argument, since i didn’t let him speak as I yelled at him for five minutes

  3. Just got out of the most unimaginable, unbelievable debate with a feminist who thinks as the truth that Men from our ancestors to our grandfather’s are all oppressors to Women and don’t deserve to exist at heart lol. And he’s a “Man” but I don’t see him as one. The demonizing and generalizing is just ungodly and unholy…. Nobody deserves that. He manipulated (Like a true feminist) all that from me simply asking if he was for all men in the same way as women therefore all people and not half since he says he’s “for humans” I don’t buy that crap since he’s focused alot more on women than men which is how feminists are. Dismissed him as a manipulative troll.

  4. My desire to get sterilized, and the other party was/is my dad. Hopefully he never finds out that I already had the vadectomy in March.

  5. Others don’t care about your stuff and if they make a mistake they will not accept the reality about their contribution to the situation. I hate that happened to you. I have owned boats all my life and understand your frustration,I have had mine come back beat to pieces and there was no attempt to make it right,you just have to throw your hands up and let it go.thats all you can do, really.

  6. Wanting to find a job and atart working a few days ago with my mom. She knows the money situation is getting worse literally by the day, she knows she can’t do double shifts and she knows that my late dad’s pension and her working isn’t enough but she never let me work because “How can I work and go to uni?” like I’m *REDACTED DUE TO TOS*. And I finally snapped a few days ago when she told me we’re gonna have enough money and we’re gonna survive. I don’t wanna survive, I wanna live. Yeah you survived the sanctions, hyperinflation and bombing but I don’t wanna survive anything, I wanna live like a human and not like a stray dog

    I want a good (not high end but mid tier, 1080p mid-high settings 60fps) PC and not a shitty laptop with 6GB RAM and Intel integrated graphics that can barely do what I need it to do, let alone play games 10 years old or younger. There are power outlets that don’t work that need fixing now. There’s a washing machine that needs fixing now. The clothes I have aren’t enough (as a guy you know it’s bad when you say this lol). I wanna do kickboxing and go to gym but with what money? Food is getting more and more expensive, there are gonna be power and heating outages this winter by the looks of things, we need money more than Dutch in RDR2, and you’re not letting me work because “How could I work and study” like half of the students. Bruh

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