I (F) had several sexual experiences with different guys (some more, some less compatible) in the past and I never managed to cum. I‘ve been in only one relationship, but there were definitely guys I dated for a longer period of time and felt comfortable with and it still didn‘t happen.
Personally, I rarely like getting head, but I enjoy getting fingered and penetration, but it never makes me feel like I‘m going to orgasm anytime soon (although I get really aroused and love being intimate with someone). While masturbating I cum within like 2 min.

I don‘t really pressure myself to cum, but I‘d like to try out new stuff to increase the chances.
To the women out there, who struggled with the same problem, and eventually orgasmed, which positions/toys/etc. changed the game for you?

  1. I would ask you to go with the flow whenever you’re with someone else, and specify your needs to that person. And relax yourself.

  2. Communication is key.

    Maybe ask your partner or whoever you’re doing it with to do what you do when you masturbate?

    I communicated with my partner what I like and dislike and eventually was able to do it and it’s fun not just for them but also for you.

  3. Is the way you masturbate markedly different than the sex you’re having? If so, any way to bridge that gap?

  4. I feel the same. But dont pressure yourself to cum in PIV. This is not the only way to cum. I never cum that way with somebody. Im still frustrated to not being able to do PIV orgasm, but in the end it doesn’t matter. The guy have his moment and I have mine after or before him. I realized that I have a very unique way guys told me so it’s a challenge they like to take. But it means time, and a lot of communication!

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