Title says it all~

  1. Because I barely post myself on social media as it is and don’t need to share my girl with people I barely talk to.

  2. I use social media for petty whining I wouldn’t inflict on people in real life, not the good things that happen to me.

  3. I often see men who talk to their SO on social media. For example, “Happy birthday (name), you’re such a perfect mother/father, I admire blah blah about you.”

    This is unnecessary imo because anything that I will ever want to say to my SO will be in person. No need to put on a show for anyone on social media.

  4. I dropped social media several years ago but when I had it it, I didn’t post much with my wife. Mostly because I am my own person with my own identity. We have always had our own lives and that was reflected in social media.

  5. Posting a picture of your partner to Reddit sounds like the beginning of the end for a relationship.

  6. Cuz dat ass is for me

    But I do have a photo of my wife and me together on my Facebook. Or at least I assume I still do. I’m not sure if they delete accounts for lack of use. I haven’t been on Facebook since 2015

  7. I don’t post about 95% of my life. I almost never post on Facebook, I keep it only to keep track of car shows and concerts. I post photos of cars that I take and my record collection on Instagram. Every other social media I use I don’t post anything on.

    We both believe in keeping our private life’s private. If you dug through both of our social medias, you would be able to figure out that we date, it would just take you a while and you couldn’t be oblivious.

  8. Because I grew up in internet 1.0 and sharing personal information was generally understood as a bad idea, which I agree with.

  9. Because aside from Reddit and a Twitter account that I post maybe 3 times a year on, I don’t use social media on a day to day basis.

    Facebook account is just for the Oculus. I have no instagram, or TikTok accounts or anything like that.

  10. don’t generally post on social media, i view it as a promotional tool so mostly post to advertise things (by things…not my personal life)

  11. My social media accounts are pretty impersonal to help protect my privacy a little on them. The most you’ll see is maybe pictures of my pets a couple times/year.

  12. Because we both have a very limited, privated social media presence where we exclusively add people we regularly interact with in our personal lives so it’s not like any of them would ever forget we were together.

    She posts her hobbies, crafts, cooking and the occasional “Look at my new haircut” type of photo, I post my hobbies and some amateur photography shit. It’s really just a way for us to keep in the loop with our respective friend circles about our personal interests and we don’t feel the need to include photos of each other with that.

  13. I have a life.

    Why would I post anyone or anything on social media? I’m only even on here to poke the loonies.

  14. Parading around my SO like she is some prize I won isn’t my objective, social media is a toxic plague on the human psyche that seemingly makes people think something wasn’t done in your life if it isn’t on your wall… Fuck that, I like memories and I don’t need a social media wall to be a person.

  15. Why would I.I post mabey once a month to sites like Instagram and Facebook and it’s usually stupid random shit to make people laugh.

  16. 1. Privacy. Respect hers and she should respect mine.
    2. She is my partner. I do not share.
    3. Social media brings it own problems.

  17. I don’t broadcast my life and I never felt the need to let 200+ strangers know what I’m doing.

  18. When I go to post something on social media, I briefly think to myself “if I saw someone else post this, would I give a shit?” The answer is usually no, so I usually don’t post. Nobody cares, so why do it.

  19. In my experience the ones that constantly post declaring their love for the world to see are usually the same ones with issues or end up divorcing. A photo here and there is fine but nothing more.

  20. No one answer for all guys. Most here seem to not be social media heavy. The one guy I know who doesn’t post his partner is a prolific cheater so I assume it helps him cheat easier.

  21. 1. I don’t like the attention social media stirs up. Instagram, FB and the like are “perfect life comparison” apps for females.

    2. After my last breakup 5 years ago I just kind of lost interest in doing the “couple” thing online. If the girl posts, sure whatever, I won’t because –

    3. I don’t have social media accounts.

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