I’m was hanging out with my friend’s friends today at lounge. We had some fun while playing games. They then started drinking and urged me to join them,  but I refused, saying I wasn’t going to drink tonight.  Because I had stated my reason and had alcohol  poisoning around two weeks prior. Hours later, however, they persisted in trying to get me to take one shot  despite my nicely refusals and awkward smiles. I was feeling a little 
anxious and continued to refuse. But when a girl started using similar terms, like “pathetic” (I can’t remember 
what it was), I completely stopped talking. And she said, “Then don’t be boring, at least entertain us,” when they remarked, “Hey don’t be mad, we’re joking.” Another girl joined her in saying something similar to her (from what I can see, she was drunk and acting like a dick).
(I can’t recall what she said either.) I said, “Entertain yourselves,” in a bitchy tone. they start murmuring once more. Then, with a loud bang, I lost my composure and threw a uno cards at the second girl. She throws those cards at me too when she is enraged. Then the room becomes silent. The second girl was saying bla bla while some of them said, “Hey enough,” or “Don’t fight,” while I continued to be silent. Then she said, “Then leave, you are like a girl,” which was funny because she feels like small minded and egoistic. Then I gave a bitchy-tone reply again, “Okay, I’ll go,” and walked away.. Then my friend sent me the message “Sorry for them and bringing you here” after I left the lounge, which made me feel better.

  1. It feels like you stand with your truth, and also can see when it is someone else’s issue. Good for you. You are my role model.

  2. Yeah I would’ve lost it too if someone literally said ‘entertainment me’. Like what? You did the right thing

  3. I don’t know how someone who’s experienced drinking can listen to someone saying they’ve had alchohol poisoning in recent past and still be a pushy bitch.

    I just hope vomiting isn’t as bad to you*

    PS: How do some people have 0 empathy

  4. How odd. Cant imagine giving a fuck whether or not somebody else drinks lol. They must got nothin goin on 🤷🏽‍♀️

  5. The only mistake you made was giving a reason for not drinking.

    You don’t ever owe someone a reason. ‘No.’ is a complete sentence.

    I have friends who do similar shit in trying to convince me to do something when I’ve already decided I’m not going to. I’ve had to learn how to set and enforce boundaries with them to get them to accept and respect my ‘No.’ response. You’re going to have to learn to do the same.

    When you don’t set boundaries, the problem festers and then you get overwhelmed and that’s when outbursts happen. Your friends seem like they didn’t realize they were upsetting you until it was way too late.

    Unless they knew they were upsetting you. In which case, fuck em.

  6. Anyone that calls you ‘boring’ or ‘pathetic’ for not drinking alcohol is an asshole. Everyone has their reason for not drinking and props to you for not crumbling down to their prodding. You had every reason to be mad

  7. Yeah.

    No means no the first time. Yes, the drinky people will forget that they asked if you want a drink, but pressuring someone to do something is crossing the line. Forgetting they already asked and you declining is not the same as pressing you to drink.

    Everything you described sounds super uncool, from the name calling to the ganging up behavior. I hare to say it, but maybe finding different people to hang out with might be a good move.

    I would have been mad, too. Sometimes, the vibe gets uncomfortable and it is what it is.

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