I’m really extroverted and i crave social interaction. I love working with people and huge parties. Not to brag but many people complement me on my social skills.

It’s a thing that i hear over and over again and even from high level American sales people on my trip to Saint Martin.

The problem is that i have crippling social anxiety in some situations.

For example: i just started a new job as an assistant manager in a retail store. When many customers or many colleges look at me when i’m doing something new i just freeze. I start to sweat heavy, get very red and awkward and just loose all of my focus.

I don’t have any problems with 1 on 1 conversations or when it’s not so busy in the store and not many colleges or customers look at me at the same time.

I just want to fix this because it’s really holding me back from my potential. I skipped a few good job opportunities because i was scared to death of people judging me on the new job.

My first 2 days at the retail store literally felt like i was going to die in some situations so bad was my anxiety.

1 comment
  1. Kind of scary how perfectly this describes me. I have got rid of this feeling to a certain degree by doing 3 things

    1. Working out – dont have to look good just knowing you are bettering yourself skyrockets your confidence

    2. Meditation – i cannot recommend it enough i do it for 10 minutes 3-6 times a week and its incredible, its like im able to shut off my social anxiety and reduce stress, control my thoughts better etc.

    3. Throwing yourself in the deep end – nothing positive i can say about this because it doesnt feel good or enjoyable, it sucks but god damn it works. Making yourself familliar and comfortable with the situations you dont like makes your brain see them as just another thing rather than a challenge

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